Moi XO

 I wish I could chill in the backyard without having to breathe horrible cigarette smoke from all the unhealthy & smelly offensive neighbors
& get a headache.
Smiling even though I'm annoyed af.
 Smoking cigarettes should be
Thank you for not smoking cigarettes
& helping to
"Keep others safe"
& what-not,
from deadly
2nd-hand cigarette smoke.
Momma Kitty bff.
I need a cat around me 24/7 instant good mood!
Dogs are more stressful sometimes lol.
Cats are so independent & un-needy
& chiiiiillll
everything cooool
Organic peach happy!
A peaceful quiet get-away!
I love citrus juice smoothies in the morning.♡
Mandarin, banana, & ginger!
I forgot to add nuts or coconut.
So much deliciousness in the plant kingdom.
All hail!
Banana, ginger, mandarin, walnut,
creamy-sweet yums!
Plum y mandarin
Sweet bf brought
I am far too spoiled
not worthy!
I love this 100% cotton skirt I just got light & comfy.
I am definitely 
"big boned"
my skeleton is
100% cotton top,
sweater, & pants,
soft & eco-friendly!
Coconut covered banana
fatty & sweet so rich!
I have been using homemade orange infused water on my hair lately & I love it,
chemical-free/healthy living
& no plastic bottle pollution,
just oranges & water☆
video coming soon.♡
Very easy:
1. Fill large wooden/metal/glass container with water.
2. Add lots of fresh orange peels.
3. Leave peels soaking in water for around 1-8 hours,
the longer the better.
4. Pour orange water into bath water & rinse hair in the tub
-great bath balm too!-
pour on hair while in the shower & let soak.
Rinsing is optional.
I love the results!
Yaye oranges I am going to do grapefruit next.
Fruit ♡ nut & herb
so refreshing after a nonstop day!
Like my necklace?
I made it! ♡
Well all I did was string beads together 
& fasten a clasp,
I didn't harvest & cut the stones
or make the clasp or string,
group effort!
100% cotton♡
comfy & lightweight dress
eco-friendly/no fossil fuels
natural & comfortable fabric!
Fresh coconut juice
The best protection against illness.
Beautiful day today
paying homage!
Last night.
I love sleeping on the hard floor,
I will never buy a mattress again.
Feels so great on my back,
aligning the vertebrae &
the hard surface presses in &
messages the muscles,
stimulates blood circulation &
-1 important reason to
NOT cover your face,
"rebreathing" bodily waste naturally present in the air we exhale is unhealthy-
sleeping on a hard surface is very therapeutic!
Sleeping on soft surfaces with my spine all bent around gives me back aches.
I highly recommend floor-sleeping especially for back pain.
New video
New exercise video up!
So exhausted,
I feel nauseous,
are you waking up?
I am -just now- going to sleep!
New video 
Shoulder & neck pain relief &
salt-free challenge!
New video up
New exercise video
 New workout video download here!
 How many total minutes per a 12 hour day do you spend outside,
breathing fresh air & absorbing sunshine?
"Cooking" in direct sunlight, 
 especially in hot temperatures,
 induces sweating & increases heart rate,
detoxes & cleanses the systems,
 one of the best ways to prevent & heal any ailment.
Boosting immunity!
Natural/healthy tanning.♡
 Spend most of your day outdoors breathing fresh air & directly exposed to cleansing sun rays to help protect against illness.
Trying to sun-bleach my hair so I can be blonde and have more fun.
Stay healthy & breathe free,
no need to suffocate underneath a mask.
Focus on consuming healthy
plant based
foods and drink,
& avoiding alcohol/wine
& nicotine products/cigarettes,
& avoiding pharma products.
Keep natural immunity strong!
I believe breathing normally and naturally is healthier than obstructing airways and suffocating.
New video download here.
One of my favorite fruits.
But I could say that about every fruit,
all fruits are scrumptious.
Kelly Kamalelehua Smith
of Honolulu.
☆ "Kelly Preston"☆
Her absolutely awesome eyes, smile,
her hair, figure, humor,
I always loved.
She is a beautiful inspiration.
Coping with mental stress
is difficult to say the least.
1. Pills/pharmaceuticals
2. Illegal drugs
3. Alcohol & Cigarettes/Cigars
(All are lethal poisons.)
4. Guns
5. Animal products
(Cholesterol, additives, pathogens.)
6. Processed foods/drinks
(Table sugar/salt, artificial ingredients.)
These things make life
more dangerous,
negatively effecting people's brains,
& bodies,
increasing risk of
health problems
& suicide,
1 reason why I
all of them.
I feel like I am hanging on by
a thread enough sometimes,
those things will weaken your "thread",
focus strength on staying 
clean & strong.
I tried marjoram for the first time,
for breakfast this morning,
tastes yummy!
Banana, marjoram, & chocolate!
I looove HERBS!
Herbs in everything,
they are powerful & delicious.
Coconut, mandarin, water.
Apologies for the ugly insect bites.
 Does a facemask protect me from breathing
people's cancerous second-hand cigarette smoke?
No it doesn't.
I cannot even open a window because of horrible cigarette smoke coming from the neighbor's house.
 These people start smoking cigarettes early in the morning, and they go all day,
and they do this every day,
I can't believe they are still alive honestly!
 And I have to breathe it all day while I'm working in the yard.
I do not want lung cancer.
 I have to breathe their cigarette smoke
all day,
I should be able to sue them for that.
These people have not received the memo on
"Keeping others safe".
 And the government is failing to protect people from deadly 2nd hand smoke,
"Keeping others safe".
 I have to breathe people's cigarrette smoke into my lungs on a daily basis, I'm far more afraid of getting lung cancer then some virus.
 What am I supposed to do, go knock on their door and ask them to please stop smoking,
and they're just gonna say "okay".
Can you believe some cigarette smokers have the audacity to bark at other people for not wearing a
self-suffocation mask lolol?
Wow, the nerve!
Excuse the insect bites..♡
 I was crawling around in the woods picking wild flowers to replant & grow
and now I'm suffering!
1. Banana 2. mandarin
3. water
3 pure & natural
Get fruits into your body asap after waking up!
Keep smoothies healthy &
by omitting:
cow/goat milk, whey, etc.
processed sweeteners-
table sugars, artificial sweeteners
artificial & chemical based powders
 All the natural curl in my hair comes out crazy in this Texas humidity.
I love curly hair! ♡
Only 1 way to tan,
Any other way is very unhealthy.
Nature knows best!
Exercise may seem trivial however it is therapeutic & necessary.
Last night.
ZZZzzzzzzz ♡
Everything will be okay if you want it to be.
(I am usually covered in scratches & insect bites,
sorry!! Lol♡)
I found some lights in landlord's garage & got restless & put them up!
They look neato.
1 ♡
Comfy! ;) ♡
Thank you for keeping our air &
environment more clean,
& not scaring animals,
by avoiding fireworks on holidays.
Everyone is more safe.
It's a total juice shower eating a big, juicy mango,
must enjoy outside where you can be messy!
Ha, goofs. ;)-
Don't fall asleep around me, I'll get ya!
My skin looks more tan & smooth,
yaye healthy sunshine!
& healing fresh aloe!
Sunlight is very good for skin,
forget the myths, &
very unhealthy sunscreens!
Healthy diet & habits help prevent skin cancer,
(& all cancers)
not avoiding sunshine,
lack of sunlight actually fuels skin cancer,
get outdoors!♡
Eating raw greens right before bed
ZZZzzzzzzz ♡
is the ultimate fat burner!
I am 4 pounds lighter than yesterday!
As you slumber the greens are working their magic & you wake up lean & mean.
I usually step on a scale every morning to observe changes in my weight.
"Greens" are any edible plant leaf.
Spinach, kale, arugula, etc.
Mmm unsalted peanuts & oranges!
And juicy sweet fruits.
Afternoon lifty on a rainy day.♡
Do some exercise daily to keep the heart pumping strong, stay healthy, & strengthen immunity to prevent illness!
I made a smoothie then spilled it everywhere.
Okay ginger water.♡
Precaution prevents regret.
 Always put your smoothie in a safe place!
Coconut juice saves the day!
I prefer fruits over jewelry always!♡
Bee Gees save the day!
Apple strawberry banana coconut!
Can hardly put it down.♡
High fat, high sugar,
& non-fattening.
1 arm pushups killer ab workout,
Gooood doggy morning.
I am pinned under this girl cannot move great lol.
Need little Missy girl in this photo too!
Harley et moi. :)-
fruity morning.♡
I usually take a bath after waking up,
relaxing, detoxing, & energizing.
I never fast during the day,
I think day fasting is stressful/unhealthy.
That is 1 function of sleep.
Go 8 hours without food or drink
every day, so, no need to go hungry,
during the day,
 I also never do juice-only diets,
you have to eat the entire food to obtain all the nutrients which is obviously more beneficial than only consuming a fraction of nutrients.
Fresh squeezed juice is delicious & super healthy,
complimentary to whole food meals.
A glass of juice,
WITH a salad.♡
"Eat, drink, & be merry."
Breaking daily sleeping fast with
a vanilla~banana smoochie &
wild, organic blackberries.
Fresh picked black berr-weeez!
They smell & taste so good!
Super powerful nutrients.☆
 To get a perfect, natural & pretty, tan,
you have to sit in some weird positions for several minutes!
 Sunshine is also a natural hair bleach!
 I'm trying to lighten my body hair and darken my skin.
Mind and Body
 I see this a lot in many people.
 People neglecting their physical health,
eating unhealthy,
drinking alcohol frequently,
rarely or never exercising.
A very unhappy & abused body,
yet striving for mental achievements
& enlightenment.
 Complete wellness
depends upon being in touch with your mind,
and your body,
not just your mind.
Healthy diet & exercise are vital.
The much anticipated first bite!
soft, juicy, ripe mango.♡
Delicious every time!
I ate a 2nd mango after I took this photo.
It's okay it's just healthy fruit!
Is everyone willing to be anti-disease?
It is low cost & easy! :)
 No need to wait for legislation,
people can act.☆
These 3 standards of living have massive impact on general quality of life.
 Underlying conditions are typically all caused by
these 3 habits,
•animal products
but they can be cured & prevented
if people are willing to make simple changes.♡
Eat a non-fattening herbivorous diet
Easy to do.
Live alcohol-free
 I quit drinking altogether
it was easy.
Live cigarette smoke-free
I quit smoking cigarettes "cold turkey"
it was easy.
 If you want it bad enough...
Done, no problem!
Power To The Strong People♡
Beauty ♡
Ruby bolete!
Beauties ♡♡♡
All edible & delicious!
Potent natural "B12" mushrooms especially fresh picked.☆
Omgosh fun!
The sun disappeared on me coming back tomorrow!
Leaner & more muscle at 41 than at age 16!
Awwww purrr♡
I went for a hike today & found lots of fragrant flowers yum & so pretty!
I picked a few small clippings to grow. :)-
Good ol' banana mmm!
Healthy whole sugar
& fit-abs-fiber
quick fix!
I usually eat 1-3 bananas for, or with, breakfast. 
Happy April ♡
Omgosh ♡
This tastes frillin' fantastic.
Jasmine addict yo!
Nutritious is delicious.♡
Budz ♡♡
Blurry oh well!
Il mio fratellino.♡
He got crystal blue eyes,
I was always jealous lol.
I have some super dark shark eyes.
Something healthy for my bro-bro.
Fruits & chocolate are always yummy!
Weaning off unhealthy processed sweets & onto natural & healthy sweets.
100% pure cocoa powder
"fair trade",
no table sugar or additives.
Fluffy sweet kitties are a
happy place.
Cat, stay still dangit! :)-
Photos are not as easy as they look!
Antiviral suntanning,
 Sunshine is a natural & healthy way to prevent illness.
Burning it up &
Come & take your medicine!
 Fresh ground peanut butter and mandarin jelly with lemon juice mmmm!
 A healthy plate is one of the best ways to show someone you care.♡
♡ ☆
This puppy boy.
I cannot leave my shoes anywhere I keep finding them in the backyard.
Puppies chew, it's what they do!
They grow out of it, please be patient, do not scream at or hit puppies for chewing.
Coconut juice will cure viral infections
and prevent them!
Fresh picked garlic leaves are a super powerful antiviral medicine & they are also delicious!
Exercise, no cigarettes, & an alcohol-free, healthy, natural, plant based diet are the best ways to combat & prevent viruses.
Wine is not a health drink that is a myth.
"Natural" cigarettes are just as deadly.
Meat, eggs, & dairy are not healthy.
Eliminate things that weaken immunity & do more things to strengthen immunity.
I personally prefer to see full body shots of other people lol, so I am going to focus on doing the same!
Unhealthy foods, drinks, & habits that damage immunity are the strongest allies of viruses.
Focus on the causes of viral infections rather than just how to react to them.
Need to shut down industries that actually create these issues & cause the most harm to public immunity:
animal agriculture
"Big Tobacco"
alcoholic beverage
processed foods/drinks
not borders or travel
or the vital element of social contact.♡
Mmmm blood oranges!♡
100% pure eucalyptus oil.
Serious stuff right here!
Kind of borrowed/stole it from mother.
I was reading about cystic fibrosis :( anything like that, pure eucalyptus will help,
also crucial to eliminate products that cause extreme mucus build-up in various places, dairy & all animal products must be removed from the diet.
Cleaning, vacuuming, scrubbing, washing laundry, sweeping, mopping, dusting,
all day!
Banana~kiwi & hot bath
time! ♡♡♡
Then I have to give 3 big brute doggies a bath.
Then take another bath lol.
This smoochie is so delicious!
I can't! Lol :)-
Ruh-row, trouble about hope all ends well.
Morning energy pump!☆
Natural breast lift! :) ♡
Fun with dumbbells! ♡
I found a rare formal & nailpolish photo.
But my eyebrows were nice & natural,
unplucked here.♡
Freshman year of hell schoo-
I mean,
high school,
But that was a fun night I think!!!?
Super sweet girl next to me & guys.
I was chubby at 15/16.
My battle with body weight had begun a few years earlier.
Still a battle. :(
Stop baking cookies &
shoving them in my face lol
Kidding sort of lol.
You know I don't be baking nothing,
not my fault!
Mysterious scratch on my nose is almost completely healed yaye.
Just ate a buuuunch
of raw broccoli with dinner I feel so good.
:)  :)  :)
You can find me in thuh' tub.
Banana peanut butter chocolate!
He very, very slowly climbs on top of me & plops himself down, like he is being all sneaky and stealth and I have no idea he is climbing on top of me lol.
It is funny.
 I feel so bad moving he so comfy!
Dog or cat or Tara or something hair on my clothes,
always covered in pet hair,
& paw prints lol
oh well.
Life with animals is messy but worth it.
Poor boyfriend is on his feet 12 hours a day,
5-6 days a week,
organizing his chaotic laundry situation so he doesn't have to spend 5 minutes finding matching socks.
But as soon as I leave it's back to random piles lol.
Someday I should hire a cute housekeeper to take care of him for me!
I am really good at making messes & also really good at cleaning messes.
I looove cooked eggplant,
 so I want to start experimenting with raw eggplant,
 it has a very unique, spongy, bread like texture.
  Could be fun to play with!
Awwww! :)-
Download new video click here:
Thank you!
Delicious day!
Sun on my face healing.☆
Mmmm ZZzzzz
Must get my suntan back I am a ghost right now!
Chocolate on my mouth is always possible lol.
Texas Mountain Laurel☆
These smell divine!
Shirtless is the best!
They should all be shirtless lol,
don't be shy,
shine! ☆
(System Of A Down, "Toxicity")
My big nose got in the way of something lololol.
I didn't even feel it,
have no idea what scratched me maybe the cat?
Cat scratch. ♡
Organic pear time mmm!
Fruit flies about, lol my homies.
Sun is emerging from thick clouds,
daddy telling me
"Happy birthday gyal, love you"
Okay I have to go cry a little now.
I would give anything to have him back.
I know he is all around me in the air I breathe.
My father is the sun,☆
My father is the soil,
My father is the mighty ocean,
The sparkle in the stars.
He is the wind on my face kissing me with his scratchy mustache.
Always here. ♡
He was also born on the 1st :)
of September.
Praying I see him again.
A rare photo of me wearing shoes. ;)-
Can you believe this little woman gave birth to big ol' me!
Mom is a champ. 
Craving a coconut milk cafe mocha so bad lol.
But I have been doing really good with no-coffee life lately & not staining my teeth,
don't want to give up. ♡
Banana chocolate cinnamon smoochie instead mmmmm!
So yummy. ♡
I am 50 years old today!
41/50, same thing lol.
Feeling good & grateful.
Aloe is great for the skin,
also helps heal lip dryness from cold weather.
Thank You ♡
I thought about posting a "naughty" photo,
but I do not have any photos of me beating up kids for their lunch money or anything such,
so I decided on an innocent,
nude picture instead.
Naughty, I am not.♡
Sunshine & avocado salaaaad,
Sweet dreams. ♡
Ha lol
good old strawberry y banana.
New video:
New video:
Great thigh, hip, & lower back stretch also improves balance, agility, & tightens abdomen.
Hola ♡♡♡
 I put this up last night then I deleted it because I thought it was ugly but O well hear it tis' again lol.
I cannot wait for my hair to be this long,
 I have to stop flipping out and butchering it lol just let it grow and grow and grow.
 I did an apple cider vinegar wash today left my hair feeling great!
Listening to the debate on climate change.
Woaw, crazy date.
"4am, and ALL IS WELL!!!
I thought I would give everyone an update.
Kidding lol, ahhhh, I woke up at 4am,
naturally lol,
nobody to play with!
Wake up world!
I get to watch the beautiful sunrise.
When your foot is asleep & there
is nothing you can do about it, because,
Ahhh I am trapped & going numb!
Tree shelf mushrooms I plucked from the woods,
they are spongy & tough,
perfect bath sponges!
Neato! ♡
Ginger vibes ♡
The awapuhi juice did not disappoint!
My comb slices right through my hair like coconut butter, so soft!
Hair washing video coming soon.
Seeing people stress over marriage. :(
Remember "marriage" is not the most important thing in life, so fret not!
I have never been married & I still feel very loved,
lovers are everywhere waiting to give
no marriage license necessary
to love!
Self love is the most important!
I am my biggest lover.
Kiss attack ♡
I am being kissed by a ghost!
Happy Sunday!
Mmmm ♡
Sweet, crunchy (organic) apple!
I try to only eat "organic" apples,
(As organic as a poor apple can get in this contaminated world!)
but if non-organic is the only type available then I will rinse well & eat that also.
Some kind of whole fruit is still better than processed foods or drinks.
"An apple a day", "hey-hey-hey!"
Happy ♡ Day!
(Remember though, life does not revolve around man made holidays lol, really no matter to me!♡)
We going for a joggy!
Scars all over my back from a skin doctor
digging holes into me years ago mother
took me into a clinic & nothing malignant
but she was convinced I needed some
moles removed, mother does not seek
alternatives to surgery like I do now,
but I was still young & unknowing
at the time & just cooperated.
I had to have stitches, not fun it
hurt for weeks, oh well,
just explaining!
Homemade coconut butter
mmmmm! ♡♡♡
Coconut milk byproduct!
Literally feels exactly like cow milk butter,
sans harmful bacteria,
lots of healthy raw, plant based
saturated fat. ♡
Up to 2 whole minutes yaye!
Somewhere in my very early 20's.
"Always a bridesmaid never a bride"
I remember feeling chubby &
unhappy with myself in that dress.
Just overall uncomfortable.
Despite what anyone said I felt insecure.
I was still eating bacon cheeseburgers
for lunch and dinner & eggs for
breakfast in this photo,
a boyfriend basically saved me &
convinced me eating animal products
is unnatural,
I stopped eating meat & changed my diet
around 8-9 years later, in my very early 30's,
October 2011 hallelujah & amen.
My beautiful cousin Jaime's wedding
many moons ago.
I could probably count on 1 or 2 hands
the number of times I have dressed formal,
I did not grow up in gowns lol.
My eyebrows!
I guess I was mad at my poor eyebrows,
they have gone total Einstein now
a complete 180°.
I love the color palette & flowers
beautiful choice cousin.
Barefoot on grassss ♡♡♡
Sunshine Time ☆
Energy saver ♡
Adjust light bulbs as needed &
turn bulbs off when room is empty.
Snowy night in Austin. ☆
I love snow! ♡
Mom Joke 1
(Say no to drugs!♡♡♡)
Pretty pink this evening oo-la-la!
Beautiful ♡
Watch the sunrise & sunset
it is very calming. :)
All of a sudden this hat & glasses
appeared on my head out of thin air,
& hearts, I thought I should take a photo!
New running video! ♡
How do, y'all!
:)  ♡
Chilly but fully sunny, yaye!
:)-  ♡
Katy, Texas
New video on food page! ♡
Found an old photo! ♡
Chicago, Illinois
Around 18 years old lol. ☆
Fun road trip with old boyfriend,
literally ate deep dish pepperoni &
cheese pizza almost every meal
while we were there
& it shows, I was chubby!
We drove all the way up there from Texas twice.
My cousin Brandon's step daughters sweet little gyals.
They are all living in Austin now,
so more family time! ♡
How do parents do it lol,
1 full day of babysitting is tough for me I cannot hang!
6 hours with no television.
Painting, drawing, eating, & lots of walking at the park.
They only watched tv for last hour right before they went back home.
It is tempting to sit children in front of a screen to keep them occupied lol.
A little tv is okay but not for hours & hours.
Kids love to get outside!
The 8 year old is a little rebel lol,
I ordered her to hold tightly onto the cow's ears so she wouldn't fall,
she puts her hands in her pockets instead not exactly what I meant child!
She is too much like me uncontrollable lol.
The 5 year old loves to cuddle,
logical because young-ins' need to be cuddled,
I carried that little girl around for at least 10 minutes straight without putting her down lol.
Kids are great exercise!
Comfy ♡
January almost gone Spring 2020 is approaching!
I ♡ spring.
A nice stroll today!
1 quick selfie, mosquitoes are biting!
Videos & photos are deceiving
suffering in real life lolol.
This tree is comfy.
A past drawing of my future self riding through the Tejas desert.
If mommy ever allows me to get a motorcycle lol.
She freaks when I mention it.
Probably a different outfit in real life lol.
& minus enormous earrings.
Of course I
Funny drawings I found in my old sketchbooks.
Posting more to Art By Tara page soon. ♡
This was around 2004/5?
Early 2000's.
I need to date everything it helps.
Old artwork I have not seen in years
is fun to look at almost better than old photos!
A look into my younger self & my crazy brain.
Dreams make excellent subject matter! ☆
Adding poetry & writing enhances artwork I think & contrariwise illustrations enhance writing.
But not always necessary.
New clips & video downloads on
Make the sun one of your best friends ♡
Suntanning favorite things ♡☆
Last night's photo I never posted, oops. ♡





Happy New Year All ♡

2020 ☆

At midnight I will be asleep.








Suntanning therapy ♡





Banana & kiwi topping mmm!!





I love twilight time!♡

5:30am Merrymas☆ morning,

I remember how delirious I was to hurry up & run into the living room to open presents when I was little.

Piles of plastic toys, but thank you, still grateful for the thought. ♡

Silly! :)-

Too spoiled I was!

The sunrise is the cool thing!☆☆☆☆☆





Merry Merrymas! ☆

Holidays & parties yeehaw. ;)-

Please choose to not drink & drive.♡

Not even a little,

buzzed driving is intoxicated driving,

stay sober or stay still &

stay safe. ♡




Mmmm apple oats & shredded cacao ☆




Mmmmm ♡

Squash with turmeric & cayenne,

avocado & garlic, red onion.

Delicious & leaves you feeling so great!

Light as a feather & energized. :)





Sooo GOOD ☆

Raw orange slices drenched in cinnamon, nutmeg, & grated 100% cacao.♡


Rich dish..♡

Love fruit & chocolate.♡

The key is to use a LOT of cinnamon, & a LOT of cacao, nutmeg is super strong not quite so much unless you can handle lots of nutmeg like a champ.☆



Herbs ♡

Lots of different pure herbs

every day.

Herbs with every meal, & added to water for flavor & extra nutrition. ☆

(Pure = 100% Whole ingredients

No table salt, no table sugar,

no chemical additives or preservatives.♡)


Cloves, ginger, garlic, turmeric, cinnamon.


Very detoxing, great weight loss aid,

increases heart rate, improves metabolism,

heals organ damage, deactivates malignant tumors, regulates blood sugar, natural remedies for nearly every health problem, minus deadly side effects.

100% positive effects only. ☆

& quite delicious... ♡♡♡




2019 almost over, 2020!






A screenshot from my video of the Cold Moon! ♡







Around 12 grams of protein!

38 grams of fat

4 grams saturated fat

Approximately 600 calories

No moderation needed!


Raw/unsalted walnuts, kiwi, banana, ginger.






Drain & drink!

Or sip straight from the coconut. ♡

Sweet sugar juice mmm!






Mango kiwi ginger ☆☆☆






Okay I'm on Snack Cat

or whatever now

Snap Crackle Pop who?


Have no idea how to use all the functions I'm learning. :)-

Snapchat if better for you. :)


See ya there! ♡




Look at my salad ain't she perty ♡,


Tastes even better y'all!

Thank you to the good people who grew this food.


Farmers are the best! ☆

They do not receive nearly enough credit for keeping us alive, seriously. ♡

Mango, tomato, avocado, red chard, garlic, cayenne.


I forgot to pick some green onions from the garden hecky-dern...

Tomorrow for lunch. :)

So many yummy things to ad,

salads are like paintings can work on them forever always improving lol.




To me,


has absolutely -nothing- to do

with attraction.

One of the hottest men I have ever encountered in my life, worked at a gas station

in Tavernier/Florida Keys,

& I am pretty sure he did not own the place, lol.

Or maybe he was the owner, however that was irrelevant.

Thank HEAVENS (It was fate.) the gas pump would not accept my card & I had to go inside to use it,

as soon as I walked in, & laid eyes on him,

I was on fire!

We began talking & it was almost unbearable I had to restrain myself from jumping over the counter & attacking him lol.

Because he was also very polite, classy (money cannot buy class, that has definitely been proven lol, expensive clothes are no measure of true class either), & he had a sexy voice, on top of everything.

Looks & personality, are you trying to


I had been traveling around alone,

for several weeks lol.

He finished my transaction & it was time to leave,

it was heart wrenching,

I didn't have the courage to ask him out. :(

I kept the receipt forever lol didn't want to throw it away, it was my only physical memory & had his name printed on it.


I honestly thought about driving back & stalking the place until he got off work LOL.

I didn't think to look for a wedding ring,

so, wasn't sure if he was married.

I do not like wives...LOL.


Hi, can I rent your husband for a week?

Cool with you?

I can write you a check lol.

Because I know he likes me too, lol

sorry to say, Mrs...

(I would never, ever, become involved with a married man, just to clarify.)

Or, maybe he was single!!


I'm such a coward.

Always go for it!!

The point is,

money is insignificant when it comes to attraction.

What nature created is all that matters,

in that situation lol.

:)- ♡

Did I want to marry him, & have babies?

No lol.

I do not need all of that.

Okay maybe this post was a little too much sharing LOLOL, just saying!

I would date anyone, with any type of ethical job title, no misunderstanding lol, & ambition is definitely attractive & required also, the point is there are many awesome, good/kind, & highly alluring men who are not millionaires, or were not born into wealthy families. :)













Hermit Tara came out of her shell & went out tonight, my little madre and I. ♡

I'm so awkward.

Mommy dressed me lol, my skirt & shoes,

& her top & necklace. :)-

(She made me wear a brassiere! Not me!)

Necklace doesn't match at all LOL, but mom disagreed & got all upset, when I told her I didn't want to wear it, so fine, I'll look silly just to humor the lady.

(She usually has impeccable taste! Kidding.)

I should really go out & socialize more often, I think that is 1 reason why I am so crazy,

I spend too much time alone, just me

& my nutty brain! Lol


Luckily the party served a cheese & egg-free leafy salad, sweet potato, & mixed veggie dish,

so we didn't starve lol.

No fruit or nuts however just a bunch of different types of cake. Cake cake CAKE!

( CAKE = eggs, butter, cow milk, table sugar, table salt, petroleum based food coloring, refined flour, gelatin/animal collagen protein, etc.)

A slice of tummy ache, & extra weight?


I suppose that is rude & ungrateful,

sorry, I donno.

Looks delicious but makes you suffer!

Fun night. ♡

Actually there may have been nuts I did not look close enough, they did have cassia sticks super yummy suckers! ♡♡♡

They had fresh strawberry & greens salad but with feta cheese, luckily there was a different salad

without cheese I ate 2 plates of salad & veggies lol. Oink♡ I am 5'9" biggie!!




 Of course that is not me with a

cancer stick in my mouth,

my naughty twin...

Spring break back in art school days,

about 20 years ago lol.

 With my weird looking plucked eyebrows lol.

Wow where did the time go!?

  I found a box of old photos while cleaning.

 I deeply apologize to everyone who had to breathe my cancerous smoke....not cool,

putting other people's health at risk.

I feel so bad now!

I guess I thought I looked cool with a cigarette,

wrong lol!

I was an inconsiderate & brainless idiot.

 So extremely unhealthy, and very rude, 2nd hand smoke makes other people sick also!

 Quitting cigarettes and alcohol will spare your health from a lot of awful problems later in life,

so glad I wised up & stopped.

 Cancers, heart disease, diabetes, liver/kidney disease, all of that can be cured however,

not to worry!

 All you have to do is quit the bad habits and get on a healing plant based diet.

This will kill cancer, repair the heart & blood vessels, normalize blood sugar, clean & repair organs, everything. ♡








too sexy,

for my,"


so, LATER!


Kidding, I am not sexy at all lol.


I quit shaving my legs

in 2014.


& my underarms also.

Would never go back to that prickly pear & very uncomfortable life lol.



This song is hilarious,

cracks me up LOL.

I want to party with these sexy funny dudes!





Visiting madre & checking on her garden I started,

longest green onions I have ever seen lol!

They never get this big around me because I eat them asap, muaaa ha ha.

Yummmm ♡

Onions are delicious & super healthy,

I think!  :)





1 banana, 1 kiwi, 1 blood orange,

raisins & oats.

Fill up on all the different yummy fruits!





Beautiful weather Texas☆!

Warm temperatures are back for a minute.♡

Howdy December, let's go.





Mmmm! ♡♡♡







Always get excited for sunset & sunrise!






Feast! ☆

I forgot to put the garlic on the plate.




Writing notes!

For some reason lol.♡





Temporarily staying in southeast Austin until my next road trip. ♡

Feels so good to have my own space,

& my own private bathroom!

(And my own little kitchen!)

I love men, but I do not like sharing a bathroom with them lol.

I love living by myself, it is so peaceful! ♡





Thankful to my dad, for creating me. ♡

I suppose.

LOL ;)-

Mom helped also. ♡

Well I guess grandparents helped too.

And millions of other people, technically,


now that I think of it,


Isn't that something.





Coconut juice! ♡

Mmmmm ☆

So delicious!




Boyfriend's new shirt lololol!


Hilarious ☆

1 of my top favorite shows lol. ♡





I cut a sweet bandana out of a $2.00 cotton swatch for Harley girl. ♡

Perty! ☆





Banana chocolate cashew ♡♡♡



Fat-burning! ♡

Unsalted cashews, 100% pure cacao,

2 bananas.


15 grams protein

25 grams total fat

10 grams saturated fat

500 calories

Pure cacao is said to contain very minimal sugar carbs, unlike bananas which are high in sugar,

& (like coconut)be very high in saturated fat,

& other fats (excluding trans fat).

Reportedly around 64% of the total fat in cacao

is saturated fat.

All natural plant fats found in raw, whole foods

are nonfattening & healthy.

No moderation necessary! ♡





New workout video! ♡

My daily routine lately. :)




New hip & glut workout video.♡





New video in store!

A fun way to tone triceps,

handstands! ☆




Floating in the universe. ☆








Early morning photos from a few days ago.

I love waking up before sunrise & watching the sky light up! ☆

Austin, TX





Obsessssssed. ☆


Tan that tush!






Watermelon juice!

Mmmmm ♡♡♡

Watermelon is literally almost entirely water, 

with lots of healthy natural sugar carbs.

Perfect way to hydrate!




Morning belly exercise done.

:) yaye

Always working on abs!


I am covered in freckles...♡

Had spots ever since I was little!







Trimmed my hair & filed my nails,

I am Little Miss Priss

this morning!


Work work work!

D.I.Y. life lol.






My favorite thing!

Naked in the sun!

So great. ☆






Happy Halloween y'all,

my costume is a person sleeping lol.

Back in Austin resting zzzzzz & boyfriend's birthday is today also lol!






Camping out with the sweet duckies, geese, & deer! ♡

Riverfront on the Comal! ;)-

New Braunfels, TX





Guten morgen New Braunfels! ♡





 Gute nacht New Braunfels!


New Braunfels, TX




Musical night! ☆

I do not even remember the last time I went to a concert, it was fun. :)

I get claustrophobic in crowds and arenas, just grateful there was no gun-slinging,

I didn't get shot!

Tool & Killing Joke, they all rocked, sounded awesome, & worked very hard!






 "Whatcha wearing?"

Um, my brother's robe...LOL







Today ☆

I see no mushrooms yet! ♡


Austin, TX





Today! ♡






Mother's poodle Missy.


Poodle hair is awesome, it doesn't shed everywhere like Harley & Rocky's hair does,

so I don't mind Missy crawling all over me lol.

Also I just gave her a bath,

so she's a clean poochie!

We both need our hair brushed LOL.




Love this 100% linen skirt! ♡

& top is 100% cotton! ♡

No silk!

No wool, no feathers, no leather, no fur, etc.!

Unless the silk was humanely harvested,

no baby insects intentionally killed...

:(  :(  :(

I adore goats/sheep♡ but wool is not the cleanest or most fragrant thing in the world! Lol

And leather is like wearing the skin of a human,

"it puts the lotion in the basket" or whatever, Nazi experiment type of deal,,


Very germy, lol :/... really do not want leather next to your skin!

Synthetic fabrics are non-biodegradable, accelerate climate change & require more fossil fuels.

Plant based, natural/sustainable, soft, clean, comfy fabrics! ♡

The huge ring was a gift from my grandmother, I always oogled over it when I was little.


♡ Gramma!




Give yourself a big hug! :)-

Don't forget to love♡ YOURSELF,

& your precious temple today,

(Eat & drink healthy, nature time.)

& do what makes you happy...☆


I am going to seek professional help for my hair soon lol, I usually just trim it myself because I don't enjoy going to hair salons, nnnnoooo, don't make me do it!


Lol, I know I have huge hands, looks like an invisible man is hugging me LOLOLOL.

In my mind! :)-


 One day in elementary school,

our teacher decided to measure the hand span/width of all of her students.

My hands were the largest in the entire class,

bigger than all the boys as well!

 Today I wouldn't care,

but, at that age,

I clearly remember, I felt so mortified & humiliated LOL I felt freakish for being so big lol.

Thanks teach! :)

 For years I was usually taller than all my male classmates as well, until the boys started going through their growth spurts,

when I got into the older grades.

Some of them made rude comments about my being taller/bigger than them, & really hurt my feelings,

as a very-very shy & sensitive young kid.


Like anyone has control over how tall they are lol.

A plague, on your houses!

Lol I am kidding.

A plague on your apartments.

Lol. :)-

Bad jokessss...

 I never bully people over things they have absolutely no control over,

that is just cruel & unnecessary.

 It is also not humorous at all,

I never laugh when comedians do it,

try writing something funny...

Nobody is 100% perfect.


Today I would just say,


So I am tall, & awesome,

& I could play football lol,

AND what...?"

 I could play football better than you, höę.


Um, I mean, ho-ho-ho,

Merry Xmas!

:) ♡♡♡





New food video! ♡




Weezin' the ju...uuuuice,

buuuu-dy lol.

Love Pauly Shore! :)-


when you get to drink the yumminess collected at the bottom!♡♡♡

Harley walked over & I ended up feeding her most of my watermelon! :/

Then, Rocky came over, I put it on the ground,

he grabbed the entire thing in his mouth,

& carried it away lol!

Thanks human, goodbye,

peace out.

I got a few bites.

Doggies looove watermelon!




Terrible photo, lol

but here it 'tis lol.


in the air.♡

Anyone who bashes pole dancing as just a disreputable activity lol has obviously never tried it!

Can you do this...? :)

Speaking to the average person lol not bodybuilders.


Looking a little blondish from all the suntanning!

Natural hair dye!

It would be neato to be blonde for a day lol,

will I have more fun?




Down to 121 lbs!♡

Not finished yet.




I ♡ this sweet, furry turkey.
Harley jumped off the bed before I could take a photo,
Rocky loves to climb on me & snuggle,
he's the biggest cuddle bug.♡
I just took a bath & now I'm covered in dog hair!
I'm trying to lose at least 10 more pounds.
125, wanna be 115!
I'm 5'9", big gyal.
Ever since I was pre-teen,
I have been 10-30 pounds overweight,
my entire adult life.
With the help of junk food & drink companies,
(Not entirely their fault, I had an over-eating disorder.)
I topped out at around 155 when I was a teenager
(I remember stepping on a scale 1 day & being shocked, 155, & feeling very sad.)
& I vividly remember how terrible I felt about myself,
didn't like having my photo taken,
hated shopping for clothes,
uncomfortable in my
no way to live!
I'll finally be skinny, only took 30 years lol.
I'm 40, started gaining weight in middle school.
Weight gain is evil & must be destroyed.
And it shall!
The wonderful thing about raw plant food is,
it is literally impossible to gain any excess weight from raw fruits, nuts, herbs, & vegetables,
no matter how much you eat. ;)
Just the opposite in fact,
raw plant foods burn off excess pounds,
 the more you eat, the more lean you become!
This juice is SO sweet!
Still battling that morning coffee addiction,
but coconut juice is delicious,
& doesn't stain teeth. :)
Probably have to take a nap today.
Crazy ones, & nice ones. ;)-
& waking up every 2/3 hours.
Don't you love restless nights when you cannot sleep lol?
I set my alarm for 5am & didn't even need it!
Up at
If your mind is upset & going crazy,
hot bath & fruit...
And a big glass of cold water.
Temporarily at least.
Relaxing, & releasing stress from the mind & body is so important.
Lol I have a bride of Frankenstein thing going on,
with my sexy grey streak of wisdom.
Not dying my hair,
I'm bringing natural back.
One of my old boyfriends, who has a thing for younger women lol, & I'm fine with it lol, said he likes my grey streak, & I should keep it!
I could tell he was being 100% sincere,
not lying to me lol.
 That means a lot coming from a man who likes younger women lol.
(He still ♡'s me to death.)
That toxic hair dye is not the healthiest thing in the world.
Rock your grey ladies!
If there is something about yourself that you do not like,
change it!
Boost your own self esteem!
Harvest moon & mom.♡
Travis said "it looks like the death star..."
Travis is my little brother.
Shawty wanna ride wit me...
Lol ♡
My clothes are usually covered in dog, cat, or something hair,
please excuse!
Friday 13th y'all,
that means good luck lol.
Full moon tonight.♡
Hot, sweaty, long day,
Fresh o.j. perfect hiking drink!♡
Grrrrrrrr ♡
Cool, refreshing, cloudy autumn-ish days lately,
but blazing full sun days are returning soon,
summer is not done with us yet!
I've got to migrate to Florida when it gets too cold to suntan!
Nice day on Lake Travis.♡
Relaxing outside.♡
New videos in video store!
I'm happy when I have a praying mantis perched on my shoulder, giving me life advice. :)-
They are super friendly and sweet!
No venom.♡
I am a floor person lol,
no chairs or couches in my room,
no mattress either I sleep on the floor.
Sleeping on a hard surface cures chronic back pain,
I know from experience!
Sleeping outside on the ground is the absolute best,
I have to set up a tent in the backyard lol it's perfect camping temperature at night right now!
Rolling around in my super comfy 100% cotton skirt!
Bad selfies, but here they are...
I am really not very photogenic,
I don't think!
Awesome. :)-
In Houston today, lunch with grandparents, mommy-dearest,
& little brother.♡
Not my best expression lol.
:) ♡♡♡
Hooot night!
I have been outdoors sweating all day, pardon lol.
Roasting in Tejas!
I spend hours preparing the perfect selfie.
Obviously that is a joke.
Bed head...just woke.
Actually bed head is an all day look for me....LOLOLOLOL
Messy hair don't care hee-hee!
My hair is a wild beast no one can tame.
6am UP!
I love waking up early.☆
Only about 3 hours of sleep last night,
too wired ☆
3 bad selfies...LOL
2 more, for more eye torture!
I usually do not buy makeup, I prefer homemade makeup from raw fruits & vegetables however, my mum bought my grand-mum a "vegan" lipstick
& my sassy grand-mum said it was not red enough LOL, so mother gave it to me, I wear it occassionally just for the hay of it. ;)
New exercise video!
Click on photo♡
39 years ago today...a wonderful, beautiful little brother was gifted to me,
I love this guy!
Happy Birthday to him!
Travis Michael Pagan
August 7th, 2019
The best thing in the world!♡
Sweat it!
Make your body sweat,
don't stop until you are sweating & the heart is pounding...☆☆☆☆☆
Nice run in the sun this morning.♡
I have been tanning under the sun every day lately!
I love the natural color!
I bought some cutie habaneros for the seeds to plant, hopefully they will grow for me! ♡♡♡
Such a pretty little pepper but packs a mean punch!
New video, hot weather increases the heart rate, which helps to decrease excess body weight!
Simply being in the sun will burn fat without even exercising!
"Dirt"y life is the best!♡♡♡
Playing with plants is my favorite thing.♡♡♡♡♡
Sunshine & fruits strengthen immunity & give you a natural/healthy, pearly glow ☆☆☆☆☆☆
Be sure to eat a cancer killing,
raw vegan diet!
Love with the sun!♡♡♡
¡Amor con el sol!
Helleeeerrrrrrr lol
Underneath, my hair is curly.
Sometimes it peaks out...
On top, my hair is straight.
Very neutral hair lol.
Sculpture Falls
With my bro! ♡
Mom took photos.
Austin, TX
Spoiled poodle.♡
Pretty day.
20 years later....
I guess I could look worse lol.
I am trying!!!
I plan on looking better! ;)
I do not look awkward at all...
Cleaning & look what I found lol.
Ohhh, to be a baby again!!
Do I look normal here?
I agreed to 1 day of walking around downtown,
because that is what my bro enjoys doing,
we are total opposites lol!
My mother loves these statues...
The best feeling...♡♡♡
Photos: Tomas Gaitan
Got to tan this white hide!!
Tanning is hard work.
Nu Veed-yo
Just a quick splash in Lake Travis.
Austin, TX
 Lake Travis with my little brother Travis.
Love brother time! ♡♡♡
A lovely altered selfie I took the other day.
Before I went vegan, I was like......
I did that on purpose.
Sometimes I just need to sprinkle myself with cocoa powder.
Regardless of the consequences.
Working harder on producing more content.♡
Nice evening walk in the mountains ♡♡♡
Durango, Colorado 
Natural fizzy candy, tamarindo!
Great to chew on while hiking.
I haven't had kiwi in a long time!
Sweet little fruits!
(The chair is not a real cowhide...♡)
The best♡ morning OJ, slurp!
I drove to Durango for the cheaper motel rates lol,
tent camping is fun on 60/70° nights but not 30/40°,
I had to get indoors!
Also I wanted a private bathroom, sharing a bathroom is not fun(even with a spouse/partner, nooo!!), & my bank has a location here makes life easier :/, & there are some other stores I like to go to located in this town, it is in the mountains very scenic, in the southern/warmer area of Colorado,
& there are lots of trailheads here!♡♡♡
After this 3 day cold & rain streak is over, it will be full sun & gorgeous,
excited to go hiking in the mountains!
Durango, Colorado
 I found this bone, in the woods,
humanely harvested, & it made the perfect key chain, already had a tiny hole.
I rinsed it well with scalding water & it had already been sun-bleached.
 I took it to a hardware store to make a spare key and freaked the man out lol.
 Because my full set of keys is now stuck, in the dashboard air vent, naturally, where else would they be...?
(I need a mechanic boyfriend!)
When you wake up craving donuts & croissants,
then you see a suuuper skinny girl in the store!
Okay nevermind.
I want to be skinny!!!
Thank you skinny girl. Lol
Restoring hope...♡
I wish people would just stop manufacturing fattening, unhealthy foods!!!
They are too tempting!
Yes, y'all are doing great work for humanity,
keeping everyone fat & sick, good job!
Assuring shelves are stocked with junk,
I commend you.
The stuff makes you feel & look so horrible after you eat it, not worth it.
No company needs to close down,
just start using healthy ingredients, & producing healthier products!
"But...the Hispanic gangsters, are trying to destroy America, & kill Americans!!"
How many people die every day from eating this poisonous/deadly drug food...?
 Junk food/drink companies, and the meat, egg, and dairy industries, tobacco & alcohol, kill thousands and thousands of Americans every year.
 The government just ignores that fact.
 You want to know who is killing Americans, those companies & industries are killing in huge numbers,
but the government does not have the balls to stand up to them, or the ignorant slob Americans who would actually protest having to eat a healthy diet.
 How many people have a friend or someone in their family with cancer, heart disease, diabetes, who is suffering, or has died?
  Many of them before old age.
 All because of diet, alcohol, and tobacco products.
 And the pharmaceutical companies, also responsible for a great many deaths and health problems.
 Marijuana leaf on the other hand is not linked to these deaths, marijuana leaf is only known to relieve disease not to cause it.
 The medical industry is completely overwhelmed with sick people
because of disease-causing companies and industries.
 Hispanic gangsters are not throwing pepperoni & cheese pizza/soda and donut parties, making everyone obese, and killing everyone.
San Juan National Forest
This morning!
Snowy Treasure Falls this morning!♡
Pagosa Springs, Colorado 
My legs need sunshine lol ♡
New job, staying TANNED!
I am going to tan hard core!
I found a nice jacuzzi yesterday!
It is chilly out here!
Pagosa Springs, Colorado
In Alamosa, driving back to Fort Garland,
then visiting the
Great Sand Dunes National Park soon!
There is so much to see here, never boring!
Alamosa, Colorado
I stay camera ready....
No makeup or fake eyelashes...♡
Fooooollled you-all, I bet! LOL
Yesterday, while exploring Monte Vista, Del Norte, South Fork, & the Monte Vista Wildlife Refuge. 
I drove through La Jara to Antonito the other day.
I love visiting every little town!
All over the San Luis Valley.
I will take better photos later, trying!
The Red Gate
Pueblo, Colorado 
It feels so good to be out of Austin traffic,
driving to beautiful mountain land again!
Hoping to be in wonderful Colorado by mañana!
Cannot wait to hike all my troubles away in the gorgeous mountains. ♡
This is a park in Brady, Texas :)
Surely you are
I am actually in Sweetwater now,
near Abilene, yeehawzzz
 Does anyone else ever have anxiety attacks about death....
 I don't know what is out there, where I am headed, and it terrifies me.
 Whatever it is, I just hope it isn't painful.
 That is the main thing I am afraid of,
is the afterlife painful?
 Is my death going to be painful?
 I guess one of the biggest blessings in life,
is a painless, peaceful death.
 It does happen for some lucky people.
 They live to a ripe old age, then one moment,
they just stop.
 I hope I not reincarnated, as some poor farm animal on its way to slaughter, or a starving child in Uganda.
What is it???
Just nothing-ness?
 Before I was born, it was nothing.
Sometimes I want to die and other times I don't.
 Life on Earth can be torturous,
but I am afraid of the after life.
 I guess it is a waste of time and tears to stress about.
All you can do is wait and see.
 People can speculate, & hope, but nobody knows.
 What is the point, and what am I supposed to do, while I am here?
 This is not a game show, with an ending, and a prize, it is just an endless cycle...
over & over...for what?
 This is one reason why I have no desire to bring a child here...why?
 So they too, can agonize out about dying?
 Or maybe, they would never think about it,
I know I am a morbid person.
 These types of thoughts never enter some people's minds, I suppose.
 I also just don't want the additional stress of worrying about children, because I am a worrier, and I have enough stress on my mind already.
Also the thought of pregnancy, and childbirth,
freak me out.
 Sometimes I wish I was a shallow, simple person who never had any profound thoughts,
 I drive myself crazy.
I think there actually are some people like that in the world!
 They just don't think about anything!
 Except for "What restaurant will I eat at for dinner?"
 Don't you realize, you're headed towards the abyss?!
 This is why so many people want to believe they will ascend up to the clouds & join all their deceased loved ones, comforting thoughts.
I hope.
Okay, the end.
Yayeee, carry on.
Permission to use my bathrobe..please,
ma'am...? LOL
I am freezing my tail off.
Permission denied I guess.
No more leaving it on the bed.
Isn't she preeetty...♡♡♡
Momma Kitty, brings me back out of psychosis lol.
She warms my ♡ &
puts a smile on my face. :)
My next henna tattoo.
Skull face, yeaaaahhh!
I love this look.
It's a good thing right! ;)
My hair gets flaming bronze in certain light.
In other light it looks pitch black lol.
Even my hair is odd.
Comfy pillow...♡♡♡
Harley laying on Rocky lol. :)-
Snuggle time!
Houston, back to Austin, made it! ♡
My legs were beginning to go numb from hours of sitting & driving.
I came back with a little Florida tan, yaye. :)
Can't lose it!
I need to stay out in the sun & maintain.
Sunlight is actually wonderful for the skin.
Everything you've been told is a
Seriously though, it cleanses & tightens pores,
polishes the surface, & nourishes,
the sun is your BFF.♡
No unhealthy sunscreen anymore.
I used to cake it on, ahhh!
 I buy fruit for myself to eat and then I give it all away to panhandlers. :/
This poor woman, panhandling along the freeway, I gave her all my bananas.
 I am not a trillionaire but I still feel guilty for everything that I have, so many people are suffering so much!
 I felt like a total spoiled brat driving past her in this old truck....
 And just leaving her there & going on with my life but I don't know what else to do for her?
 She has no vehicle at all.
 Her life is very rough compared to mine.
I wish everyone could just be taken care of!
Lol have you ever just blatantly tried to cut in front of somebody in a line lol?
Unreal, I would never! So impolite lol!
 I cut right back in front of the rude hag,
& her brat daughter lol,
I will knock your head off,
 I am in no mood right now LOL.
I am PMSing, I'm have been warned.
And I had to tell her
"Uh I was here first..."
 Kidding I would not assault anyone only because I don't wanna be locked up.
Jail really works I guess.
Seriously unbelievable lol!
 Then they had the nerve to snicker and snarl at me like I give a $#÷! LOL.
Jeez, some people, amazing.
That's it,
I'm signing up for Krav Maga lessons,
I wish you would...høë.
I dare you.
Go, make my day...LOL.
 I am not the quiet, shy, timid girl that I used to be, when I was younger,
she went bye-bye.
 As they were standing right next to me snooting at me under their breath,
I wanted to turn around and grab her pony tail and slam her forehead into the countertop,
but I am a civilized person.
I do not cause scenes, in public.
 Now if she was an elderly woman, I would have been fine with it, but it was just a dumb bi+@#,
& her dumb daughter, or, whatever the relation.
Lol okay, I am over it.
Check out this bad boy!
 I have to find out what type of trees these are.
These are *Live Oak* trees ♡♡♡
Bulow Creek State Park
 This is my new boyfriend, he's huge, he lifts...
 He's a bit of a homebody however,
doesn't really like to go places...
 I would totally date a tree,
I don't discriminate.
Oak, cedar, pine, palm, they are all cute!
 A different tree each day, woo-hoo!!
;)- LOL
 There are so many loud cars on the streets in Daytona, I guess that's the thing out
 Everyone wants to be a racey-racey driver. :)-
One of my top...favorite...things, amazing animals.
Bioluminescence ♡♡♡
 The biggest and brightest fireflies I have ever seen,
I am looking at right now...
These are huge, at 1st I thought a group of people were walking through the woods with flashlights!
 I'm honestly over Florida, for now, I feel like driving to Colorado again lol,
because I am a Crazy Daisy.
  I am due for another killer mountain climbing leg workout.
Whichever mountains don't have too much snow currently.
 Florida is so flat!
 The ocean water is too cold for swimming at the moment, for me.
 I know where the prettiest beaches are now, I have a better idea of where I may want to live, that was my purpose for coming out here.
 I drove up to Daytona, to check out the city, I've never been there.
Stopped at Tomoka State Park!
 I guess I will go take a look at the speedway, race car thingy that is so famous here, even though I honestly could not care less lol, I think it is dangerous and unnecessary, but whatever pops your corn.
Be careful out there.
  All I care about right now is watching these awesome fireflies, they make me happy!♡
God, I walked into a gas station & I was literally towering over ever man in there,
I felt like such a freak.
Pardon me, jolly green giant, coming through...
 Is there a town for tall people,
where I won't feel weird....
When I have my Golden Girl's undies on,
nothing in this world can hurt me. Lol
No matter what happens in this tough life
at least I am
on a boardwalk
in a bikini
by the beach.♡
My favorite letter is "B" I guess.
Aaand, I know, I need to give myself a pedicure LOL.
 I don't like strangers touching, & cleaning, my feet,
it's weird!
Unless I like you, & I want you to... LOL.
I lovez foot massages.♡♡♡
Venice, Florida 
Ye olde art school days, on Siesta Key beach.
With gramma & my handsome hermanito. ♡
 Wow, time races along...
 Look at my baby face, old photos are so depressing.
Ohhhh well...
Lol no muscle in my arms back then!
 I want a motorcycle.
It's settled, I'm gonna get my license, and get one, sometime in the near future.
 I will not be going fast, just the feeling of being out in the open air... ooohhhh, I would love it.
 I wouldn't be driving it on the busy freeway in a lot of dangerous traffic, given the way everyone recklessly speeds around, no way, nobody drives safely & obeys the speed limits but me, it seems, just out on the open road somewhere.
Don't tell my mother, she will freak.
I got even more fried at Siesta Key the other day!
 My pasty Texas winter skin is like
"Oh my Goshy, what's going on..." :)-
 Just touring the beaches and photographing no more tanning for a few days.
 I am looking for a place that I like enough to settle down and live.
Eager to get super tanned again!
I look like I was attacked with red spray paint!
Long day at Tigertail Beach.
 I walked soooo far down the beach, now I have to walk all the way back lol oh well! 
Tigertail Beach, Florida
Sorry the battery was too low for flash,
Fruity ~ steamy ~ detox
 If you have any kind of disease, minor to major/deadly, take lots baths all day long.
Rinsing with water is very healing stimulates all the good stuff.
 After you drop all animal products and go on a whole food, plant based diet of course, that comes 1st in any healing process.
 If you're eating steak and fried chicken smothered in cheese and butter covered in pepperoni and bacon, drinking alcohol & smoking cigarettes 
all day long, baths are not gonna do you much good!
Get clean inside.☆☆☆☆☆
Inglis, FL
Population 1,325!! :)
 It is weird how bad things lead to good things sometimes.
 I am actually glad I drove around to look for another place, love it here!
 This is a nice, peaceful neighborhood, this place doesn't require a deposit to stay here, I guess they don't have such a problem with reckless people destroying the rooms in this area!
Nice & quiet & relaxing here.♡
F#@& lame, expensive outfits,
who really gives a d@#%...
Nudie selfies are the best.♡♡♡♡♡
& the most genuine! ☆
 I would loooove to lay bed all day, & get some serious rest, but I want to keep driving!!!!
Why do pillows have to be so soft & comfy,
"Don't go anywhere, lay on me all day..."
 I hear it whispering to me.
Trying not to fall asleep in here zzzzzzzZZZZ
Once I start tanning in the sun daily, my leg fur will lighten up lol!
"Oh, my, God, Becky..."
 I have decided to keep moving south, I will come back to explore northern Florida, when it gets sunnier and warmer up here! :)-
Omgosh ♡
 I was looking around for some herbs too much on decided to try pine needles, they're known to be edible & very healthy, wow I'm hooked!
 Right next to the ocean they have a salty & tart flavor and, completely, dissolve in the mouth very quickly,
 the opposite of what I was expecting!
Super bronchodilator & vasodilator, these would cure a lot of serious diseases.
Almost to south Florida ♡ :)-
Hours of driving still ahead!!!!!
Aaaaahhhhhh!!!!! But also yaye...♡♡♡
It takes hours to drive across Louisiana!
Hopefully sleeping in Florida tonight ♡♡♡
Out here♡ in
 To any male modeling/talent scouts, who may be reading this, there is a stunning, & charming, young man working at the Dollar General store,
out here in Burton, Texas...
 I am glad I stopped here for motor oil. :)-
 Yes I found a coconut in the truck, :)-
not me...the actual coconut.
 I was so thirsty!
 The Texas heat is coming.☆
 Juicing up before I hike up Mount Bonnell,
About a 1 minute journey literally, from parking lot to peak!
:)- If you hustle!
775' elevation
Wearing a white "peace" hat.♡
Back to Austin ☆
Love this comfy~soft 100% cotton
dress I recently got,
snug as a buggie, could curl up & take a nap any minute... :)- ♡♡♡
More beautiful birthday flowers from mum.♡
I am too spoiled.♡
I bought this sweater yesterday, is that exciting lol?
Because as my dear mother would say,
when I was but a child
"it's colder than a witch's ti#y in a brass bra!"
100% cotton ♡ comfy as a kitten!♡♡♡
And I am bringing the 80's
(Hair, out of control, loose cannon)
Aww, such pretty flowers from sweet little brother, & a card.♡
Flowers are one of my top most favorite things, flowers are paradise...♡♡♡
I feel bad getting gifts & cards!
I am not always the best at taking the time to shop for presents & cards for other people, :/
I tell my family cards are not necessary!
& no balloons,
I am not down with plastic balloons anymore.
No more glitter cards, I can't stop...
Just don't buy me anything! :)
Too kind♡♡♡
I am 40 years old today!!!♡♡♡
What lol???!!!
It feels so weird...
A mix of pride, & a little mild sadness, I am sure lots of woman would love to be 16 again lol.
Lots of men would love to be 16 again.
Getting closer to death, another cheerful
When I was 12/13 years old, I was so embarrassed of my young age, I couldn't wait to get older LOL...
Turn 16 start driving, I actually was driving at age 15 because I qualified for a hardship license,
turn 18 and be a legal adult,
turn 21 so I can get into a nightclub. :)-
I wanted to be older so badly!
I don't really feel exactly embarrassed about being 40, I feel more shocked & surprised oddly.
I have to accept aging & keep a positive perspective about this NUMBER that represents me lol, it will only get bigger!
Overall I am very grateful!!
Time to party!!! :)-
Boyfriend had beautiful flowers this morning,
feeling too spoiled!
Awkward LOL
I walked into a breakfast room packed full of murmuring contract workers, ah!
A big sea of husky dudes eating breakfast (hopefully oatmeal not sausage) lol.
Okay I don't feel weird at all!
Just grabbing some apples excuse me...
Cedar Park, TX
She will eat your liver, with some fava beans, & a nice chianti... :)-
We never put this on her,
we had to buy it for some reason, I forget, years ago but have not used it since.
It just looks funny LOL
Delicious pecans falling everywhere, ♡♡♡
Pecan season in Texas ♡♡♡
Mom gripes at me less when I wear headphones around her!
I am rather smart.
It seriously works though!
 Spending the day with my wonderful, loving mother.♡♡♡
 Does anyone have a full bottle of Valium?
♡ mom ♡
(I have never once taken Valium btw lol!!!)
Fun tree!♡♡♡
Climbed down, & then noticed the
"Do Not Climb Tree" sign.
I was never here.♡♡♡
Pretty kitty guuurrrlll.♡♡♡
Ball of fluff, I ♡ her so much.
Bath & smoothie, mmmm ♡♡♡
I have not had a smoothie in weeks!
I think...?
Sooo good!
Back in Austin!
I am such a lunatic lol.
My step-grandfather's 96th birthday is March 7th,
so I am staying near Houston until then.
After that I am free to leave Texas.
There is SO much to do, & see!
Morning apple with breakfast ♡♡
Happy, lean tummy.
& my cheetah freckles.
Yes I think I'm a cheetah...
Eat lots of whole fruits!
Especially in the morning to start the day right.
(As it rises into the sky it becomes smaller.)
Appreciate the awesome things in life!
Ancient hieroglyphs..
I found while walking Missy!
Driving out to Marble Falls today! ♡
When someone is rude to you...
1) Kill them
2) Let it ruin your day
3) Totally ignore it & keep doing you!♡
Solo palabras/only words, no physical harm!
Devoured this organic golden apple. :)-
Butterscotch before bed!♡♡
In Cedar Park for now, hola.♡
Red hot heat lamp! :)-
Cedar Park, TX
New exercise video in storeXO
Stretching thighs after that leg workout!
I look completely crazy & I look like I am strangling my cat lol.
My purrrrty kitty girl♡♡♡
Missed her.
Stealing my brother's organic strawberries... ;)-
I rarely buy strawberries because they come in hard plastic, I miss them!
Organic strawberries just taste so much better.
I will be growing my own soon. ♡♡♡
Cool, sweet strawberries after a hot bath, yes'sah.
Mmmmmmmm, fruuuuiiit
All I care about is hiding my flaws & looking perfect....
Makeup & plastic surgery are my best friends,
they love me for who I am...♡
Oh, & what new outfit & shoes shall I wear today...?!
So exciting lol!!!
(The cross pendant was a very sweet gift from boyfriend, years ago, so I wear it,♡
I am not a "Christian",
I am actually a devout Satanist.)
Me & my bad jokes.
Soooo, this morning I dreamt that I walked into a gas station completely naked with only a bed comforter wrapped around me.
Cracked me up.
Brains...the darndest things.
It's a good thing I don't drink! LOL
The grinning, amused attendant man was like:
"Um, can I help you?"
No. No, I don't think you can.
There was a box of personalized name plate thingies sitting on the counter & I was standing there looking through them, naked in my blanket lol.
They didn't have my name. :(
Yes, I need to speak with your manager about this...pronto.
Love, yourself!!
I love these plants. :)
Beautiful, warm day en el parque/at the park,
con el caniche/with the poodle!
Fluffy guurrrll♡♡♡
Mom's poodle.
Always happy to see me.
I never want to drive anywhere ever again lol.
I say that after every road trip I go on... :)-
I'll be off to Maine tomorrow LOL.
One of mother's neighbors remarked about how vibrant & energetic she was for her old age.
She's around 10 years old.
Vegetarian dog food, & whole fruits & veggies, daily.
Meat based, processed dog foods are very unhealthy.
Omgoooood lol
Can I just not be sitting in this truck,
for 5 minutes!?
1 more hour, & I will be at my momma's in Austin.
 I am going to just collapse and then sleep for a week straight.
Why do I torture myself like this lol.
El Paso was fun though,
a historical event.
I would do it again.
I just cannot stay put lol!!
I exhaust myself.
Buenas noches Van Horn ♡.
Didn't drive much today, lil' tired.
Back to Austin mañana.
"Please, wind, don't knock my cell phone down!"
Beeeeeautiful day.♡♡♡
Somewhere near Esperanza, TX
Dulce dreams El Paso!
See the "V" the mountain?
Adios Van Horn!
Made it to
2 horas to El Paso.
I have not been there in years!
Just me! :) :)
My thighs are now in much better shape
since I began hiking tall mountains!
It is a killer leg workout!
Sonora, Texas
Neat trail in
Sonora, TX♡♡♡
Man circling my truck, in the same truck,
he pulls up next to my truck,
I open my door to hear what he has to say:
"I did'n know my pickup had'a twee-an."
Oh, yes, indeed quite comical, good sir!
Fredericksburg, TX
Whenever I hear a child crying....
It only gets worse, sweetie♡♡♡
This boy at the store, is seriously screaming & crying his head off.
I hate that sound!
 Grateful I do not have to listen to that all day!
 But of course my children would be quiet, calm little angels.♡♡♡♡
 Did he not get something he wanted?
 Was he being kidnapped?
I couldn't tell!
 I suppose going to stores causes problems with children wanting to buy things!
 Just lock them inside the closet at home, with food and water.
"I'll be right back honey, mua♡, mommy lovez uuu...."
I am well aware that there are some bored, dishonest, unethical people, with nothing better to do, creating fake websites, under my name,
without my knowledge or consent,
& are not paying me a single dime for it either...
I do not care, so do not waste my time filling my inbox with useless messages.
I guess I am a job creator.
You're welcome.
Groceries on me, compliments of my videos that I took the time to create.
Happy to help you out.♡♡♡
This website, & my previous YouTube channels that are still on YouTube,
are the only approved websites I have,
other than my prior fine art websites.
 Actually the money is irrelevant to me.
The violation is the problem.
La-laaaaaa, who cares!
I like this cute town...♡♡♡
Riding out to the Wild West again!♡
In this fog & rain, perfect lol!
Yo-zzz ;)- ♡♡♡
I think I had a fake eyelash setting enabled accidentally in last few photos lol.
I have no eyelashes I swear!
I was wondering why I looked weird/different.
Disabled it!
I keep forgetting that I am right next to the ocean now,
until I hear a boat honking outside...
Ah, I forgot!!
Lol, that is a honk I actually like, LOL...weird!!
When people honk at me on the road I want to throw gasoline on their vehicle & light a match... ♡♡ :)
A distant train is oddly soothing also, I don't mind trains honking if they are not literally running right through my backyard lol.
I lived in a house like that once! It was insane, shook the house lol.
Loooove being near the sea.
Loco 28 mph wind happening,
causing a ruckus outside!
Being out on a boat right now would be rough!
I took a looong, much needed nap on the couch this afternoon, lol looks pretty obvious.
Brushing long hair is a full time job!!
I reckon I should get gussied up & take start taking some foofy photos again, like I used to.
Planning on getting my teeth worked on
 Photo shoots are hard work!
 I don't like having to meet up with people LOL.
It's a pain. ;)-
 Just being lazy...♡♡♡
 I am such a hermit!
I am not rambling at all...
Port Aransas, TX
I got ah li'al tan too-day!
See the tan lines... ♡♡♡
Need to lay on my belly mañana.
So funny how my dad always reminds me just in the nick of time that I left the bath tub running...
and it's about to overflow all over the floor...
Aaaaahhhh!!! $#####!!!
Fly out of my chair.
Thanks dad♡♡♡lol
 Well a short while ago he was teaching me a lesson and it actually did overflow a little bit... ;)-
 But not too bad, luckily!!
 Usually I get there when it is right at the edge,
like just now lol...
Almost did it again.
Uhf, Taraaaa!!!
I don't want to get out.
You get out. Lol
Aaaahhhhhhh♡♡♡ :)
Port Aransas, TX
That "I'm going to the hot tub" excitement ♡♡♡
2-What day is it?-2019
Forever en route lol :)
Highway 77
Enormous thanks to all the recycling centers!
I have cut down on buying things a lot,
& making sure all my packaging goes securely into a recycling bin.
 "Securely" meaning not placed on the ground, next to a bin...
 A lot of cities have a recycling center, you can drop by and dispose of all your stuff!
 It is crucial to focus on recycling, and reusing, what pollution we have already produced, rather than produce more...
 Well the sun came out today, but I've already decided I want to go to
Port Isabel, TX
The only good type of fishnets... ;)-
South Padre Island
Andy Bowie Park, South Padre Island
Looove this island air ♡♡♡
At the car wash....yeah.
Chores! Yaye, chores.
Washing, scrubbing, diiivvvaaa♡♡♡◇◇◇◇◇
At least I'm doing it in breezy South Padre! ;)-
South Padre Island, Texas
4am bath because I have not gone to bed, bad! :( :(
This brat is crying inside.
At least not at this hour.
Oh well, I am so grateful for this peaceful & lukewarm bath lol. :)
At least there is a cool special heater fan installed in the ceiling.
But, still :( & that bites! lol
A hot bath is luxxxuryyy ♡♡♡
It's cool, I will live!
Flash..or no flash...
Enjoying South Padre Island
The water is hot now!!!♡♡♡ :) :)
It is playing tricks,
making sure I don't take it for granted...
Now it is burning my feet.
TOO hot.♡
Yayeee LOL
Perfect driving weather... :)
3 hour drive today!
This is a piece of cake!♡♡♡
Howdy Victoria!
Victoria, Texas
Awww, Missy girl jumped into my lap, making sure I don't leave without her LOL.
Wish I could take her with me everywhere. ♡
Austin, Texas
Happiest! ♡♡♡♡
Warm enough today!
Cinco Ranch West, TX
Awww, I miss my pretty, fluffy cookie girl
Momma kitty♡♡♡
Who loves to lay right on top of my stuff...
Have to go visit Austin...
I know she misses me too :) :(
I don't take her on road trips... :/
Gramma! 88 B-DAY, looking gangsta' LOL♡♡♡
Cinco Ranch West, Texas
Is it really THAT "illegal"...per se, to "kidnap" to speak, a super hot border patrol agent? LOL LOL
Hmmm, how exactly would I do that...
Rope him up...tie him to my truck, & take
Who knew, checkpoints could be so exciting lol.
"Yes, sir, I am a US citizen,
just touring the beaches & parks,
however, I would like to volunteer for a strip search,
happy to serve my country... ;)
I can serve my country 3,4,5,+ times a day
if need be. :)
and so forth...♡
You have your flashlight, handcuffs, & baton?
Alright, fine, you can bring your gun also...
Shall we....?
After you, sir...."
5 minutes until checkout!
Bath time!!! LOL ♡♡♡
The Southern Oracle ;)-
Leaving Brownsville in a few minutes,
off to Houston/Katy... gramma's bday♡♡♡♡♡♡ 
Beautiful day!♡♡♡
Boca Chica State Park
Buying fruits straight from the farms!
Boca Chica Village, TX 
Waaay down here!
Brownsville, TX
Yayeeee ;) :) :)-
Just wish it was warmer outside!
Mustang Island State Park
Relaaaaax, so crucial in life!
Corpus Christi, TX
Big yellow beauties growing here!
Matagorda Bay Nature Park♡♡♡
Way out on the jetty...a loooong & slippery walk!
Matagorda, TX
Almost at the beach ♡
Streeeetch, have to go vacuum my vehicle...
Mmmm fresh picked, organic nutrients! ♡♡♡
Green onions & oregano.
Daily supercharge turbo boost...☆☆☆☆☆
Raw, leafy green herbs.
Easily grown in pots. :)
Please buy clay, wooden, glass, natural fiber, or metal pots, &
avoid buying plastic pots.
Blood oranges at the store today!
Eat healthy America.... :)
(& everyone!)
Hit the roooad...fat
And doncha' come back
No more, no more, no more, no more!
Hit the roooad...fat
And doncha' come back
No moooooooore
Whachoo SAY?!
Sorry, I'm xxxcited LOL
Shedding excess/unhealthy weight feels sooo good!!!
(I am 5'9" tall btw!)
Morning ♡
Awesome rock formations. ♡♡♡
Beautiful sunset hiking down, I arrived to my truck right at dark!
I started hiking at 9/10am (mountain/central) & was back at my truck right at dark, trail was visible the entire way back without a flashlight.♡
On top of Texas!♡♡♡
I picked a perfect day, full sun all day, & not too cold.
Guadalupe Peak, tallest mountain in Texas.
I spoke to a ranger patrolling this (national) park, he said hiking is allowed, but camping is not, during this crazy government shutdown.
(Even though people are still tent camping inside the park lol, but not rv camping of course, because no public vehicles are allowed, l don't know if the ranger found them, or what the consequences are.)
 The nearest motel is an hour away, in Vanhorn.
After I got back to my truck from hiking the summit I was so extremely exhausted & sore, I just slept in my truck outside the gate, at the entrance lol.
No one asked me to move. ♡:)
The gate is closed, to prevent people from driving in, people are just parking at the entrance, walking underneath the gate, & going into the park.
Nothing alarming, just the visitor center is a ghost town, no authorities anywhere except for a nice ranger briefly swinging by, at night, during the day, & in the morning.
The park is clean, trash bins are stuffed full but not overflowing (I am not throwing any trash away at the park, keeping a trash bag in my truck & throwing it away somewhere else.).
Nobody making trouble, everyone I see and talk to is extremely nice, very peaceful atmosphere, people are just here to hike.♡
I slipped on ice & fell smack onto my sacrum, ouch!
Sore & swollen, scratched my arms lol.
Just happy I didn't break myself!
Then after that I slipped & fell a few more times lol, several snowy patches, which is nice because I drink the snow along the way, don't have to haul heavy jugs of water!
I never get sick drinking snow, & the cold ice helps keep you alert during the strenuous hike.♡
I saw a beeeeutiful antelope!
With incredible long, flowy antlers♡.
Standing in a field, it was gorgeous.
Thank you for not hunting.♡♡♡ :)
Where am I? Oh yea. LOL
These thoughts...☆☆☆
Fredericksburg, TX 
Detoxing, healing baths are so important,
des-stress...aahhH! ♡♡♡
Fredericksburg, TX 
Apricot snack, out in country land!♡♡♡
I drove by a bunch of wineries & grape fields.
It is grape land out here... :)
New route I have never driven before, exciting!
Grandmother♡ gave me this robe... ;)
Fredericksburg, TX
To Guadalupe Peak, madame!♡♡♡
I feels like climbing a mountain.
Lots of meals & snacks here for under $26.00 &
minimal plastic.
Not perfect but a little plastic is certainly better than a lot of plastic.
I got into a little argument years ago with a store employee women once, because she told me I could not use reusable bags to put dates, nuts, & bulk products in.
I was in a bad mood, lol, & it was just the wrong day to reprimand me for trying to help the planet.
I went back & apologized to her a couple days later, not her rules.
The concern is transfering germs from reusable bags unto the container bins.
They need to provide paper bags then, I should email.
Plastic is so horrible & it is invading all things.
I'm buying regular bananas now because "organic" bananas are wrapped in a plastic strap.
The dates, 3 varieties of apples, & the beets are all organic.
Pretty goooodies!
Beet leaves are an edible green also!
Austin, TX
Never once taken a B-12 supplement & I am feeling great.♡
Nor any other supplements, or vitamin pills.♡♡♡
Avoid harmful foods like meat & dairy, as well as harmful drugs like alcohol & tobacco products, which cause nutrient deficiencies, such as B-12 deficiency.
Get natural nutrition by eating whole foods, & fresh picked foods, & sunbathing under the glorious sun! :)
Leaning all my body weight onto my formerly injured wrist!
The pain, swelling, & soreness has almost vanished.
After about 10 years of discomfort, I make greater improvements to my diet, &, almost immediately, my bothersome wrist is healed, feels great!
I would bet from not eating flours/doughy foods, or table salt, or table sugar.
Inflammatory processed foods.
And increasing my anti-inflammatory leafy green intake.
No painful & stressful surgery, or unhealthy pain pills & pharmaceuticals. :)
 Vegan junk food will also cause health problems/pain in adults & children.
 The additives, preservatives, processed salts, process oils, petrochemical food coloring, processed sugars/sweeteners, fried foods, & refined/bleached grains(flours), have negative physical, & mental, effects.
Eat whole foods, raw foods, & live pain free.♡
When you think your facial expression is fine, but you actually look totally goofy.
Lol reality checks can be brutal.
My silver hair of eternal wisdom is growing on me, I shall not betray you!
(I am not dying my old lady hair, lol I am diggin' it!)
I need to get back to tanning, immediately,
Pasty Paula over
If I can somehow, some way, fit into my teeny-tiny, petite size mother's jeans....I know I am not doing too shabby!
On the verge of fainting from sucking everything in, but that is not the point!
Still working on the weight loss. :)
Soon I will actually be able to breathe in mom's clothes.
Unlike me, mother never had any eating disorders.
Mom eats plant based, my brother also. ♡
She has always been very thin, eats mostly whole foods, never gorges on unhealthy food.
A rare kind!
New me, determined to permanently drop these last 10-20 lbs I have been fluctuating with.
And growing my hair super long. :)
Turning 40 this year!♡♡♡
Bathtub thoughts:
Hmm, me thinks....
If women, would stop behaving like a bunch idiotic, materialistic wenches....perhaps men wouldn't fight & kill to obtain money...?
Just a little thought-a-roo...
We are better than that ladies...
Screw these stupid handbags already, who gives a $#!* LOL.
Well not me.
Murder our magnificent, beautiful animals & turn them into needless, obnoxious products, wrong...
Hundreds of thousands of dollars just so your kid can spill Koolaid on it ;)-.
A tad bit ridiculous.
I personally would feel (& look) like a bozo walking around carrying one of those things.
There are much more important things in life.♡♡♡
Back in Austin for New Year's Eve & day...
Have fun, be safe.
Please designate a 100% sober/alcohol-free driver, or stay off the roads, for everyone's safety.♡
BTW....I am well aware of my tooth
When I was 12 years old, mother had composite bonding done on my 2 lateral incisors, to make them appear nice & full & perfect, because my adult incisors grew in very small.
I wish I had never had this done, but I was 12 years old, & just agreed to it.
I had them updated a few years ago, but then one of the new composites popped off...not too long after, you can see, one incisor is smaller...
Funny story, the building my dentist works in, was entirely evacuated for a fire scare, literally right before my appointment to get my composites renewed. Lol
By the time everyone was permitted to go back was around 5pm, & I am sure my dentist was super ready to call it a day & go home.
So, I think he may have rushed the procedure a bit lol.
My first composites lasted over 20 years...he did them when I was 12 years old, an excellent job, & then I went back sometime in my early 30's to have them redone.
I am not mad, things happen, I understand.
I am just guessing that is why the new composite fell off, a rushed job, seems logical.
I no longer live in that area so I haven't made it back.
Now, I have asymmetrical teeth lol, and am torn between having a new composite applied, or, just removing the other one.
Big, beautiful, perfect, fake teeth...or all natural, &
Decisions, decisions...but this maintenance is bothersome, & I would rather not deal with it.
However, I know the fake bonding looks puuurty.....
But I don't like weird chemicals in my mouth either.
I donno.
Mother says I will "look like a hillbilly" without the composites.
(She will probably get mad that I told everyone she said that, she's a loving mother, promise lol.)
Another dentist also told me it "wouldn't look good" to have them removed.
So yea,, will be symmetrical again soon!
And, working on adopting a no-hot-coffee life, to naturally whiten my teeth.
It is not...easy...for me lol, I love a cup of hot coffee in the morning but it ruins my teeth.
Anyhow I would really prefer to just have the other composite removed & not ever have to bother with updating them again, & just accept the imperfect teeth I was born with.
I again regret ever having the procedure done, I believe it somewhat damaged my natural teeth, & perhaps even prevented them from growing correctly over the years, with the composite material laid on top of them. :/
Oh well, can only find solutions & move forward!
Exploring Bastrop, quiet time all to myself.♡ :)
Bastrop, TX
I have been crrraaaaving some yummy guacamole.
Soon, it will be mine...♡♡♡
Minimal plastic, unpackaged, whole food groceries.
Missing the green, :( be sure to eat lots of fresh green foods also!
Actually avocados are green fruit lol, include lots of green, leafy vegetables...
No plastic bags used, no hard plastic containers.
All this, around 50% organic, for under $14 dallaz'.
Going to try some raw potato chips for guacie dipping.
Regular potato chips are LOADED with processed salts, try & buy unsalted foods whenever possible!
Your body will thank you. ;)
(Awww, cute tags! Little details ♡)
Boyfriend's sense of humor...♡
Golden Girl's britches & Sophia socks xmas presents lol, now I look good...
If I never have children...then I will never be a "grandma" or a "granny"!
Golden Girl's is one of my favorite tv shows...he got me the full 7 season dvd box set years ago, yayeeee!
I have played each dvd a trillion times, the discs are barely hanging on lol!
They make me laff'....especially Dorothy/Beatrice Arthur, I have a little of all of them in my personality but I probably related to her the most,
she was hilarious LOL!
They all were.
Happy, Merry everything! ♡♡♡ :)
Pleeeease, kindly do everyone a favor.... &
I am sure a lot of intoxicated people who caused wrecks thought they were sober enough, & then had accidents...
Unintended, but it still happens.
This is serious...
I am afraid to drive anywhere tonight.
I am actually not intoxicated here, lol just tired.
I allowed the big dogs to sleep in bed with me last night, usually don't, & they kept waking me up!
I spent Christmas Eve pet sitting♡♡♡lol.
I was the only human in the house...
PLEASE..better to stay put, or find a designated/sober driver...or even better, do not drink...for everyone's safety.
Very important to actually be watching the road.
I hit & killed a rabbit driving to Colorado once...
It was a very late, pitch black night, on a dark country road, driving 30mph UNDER the speed limit, 40 in a 70...speed limits are all too high, & all should have a slower night speed.
It was so late at night, I was the only driver out on this road at the time, & it wasn't a big highway.
I had the bright lights on to better notify animals & people.
I glanced down to quickly get my phone & when I looked up it was too late.
I decided to go back, found it dead in the road, pulled over, slipped & fell getting out of the truck & scraped my knees bloody in rocky mud, picked up the rabbit with my muddy, bloody legs, & moved it into the edge of the field.
Of course I was devastated.
I had not been drinking...the negligence was driving at night, & not watching the road.
I may have seen the rabbit approaching & been able to miss it.
It just hopped right into my tire!
I saw more rabbits & they turned around & ran back into the field when I drove by.
This traumatizing night inspired my "Angel Devil Bunny" sketch.
Rabbit ghost now haunts me.
You never know what can suddenly appear in the road, day or night...
Better to drive slower & always have your eyes on the safe♡
I try not to drive much after dark, it greatly reduces visibility & the animals come out!
Pretties everywhere this time of year...;)-
Lunch with grandparents & mom.♡
Katy, TX
Back up north visiting ♡gramma♡,
sleeping on the comfy floor, with Missy girl.♡
I prefer the hard floor, it makes my back feel great!
Tivoli, TX
Do I look like a fierce road warrior? ;)
I am leaving Austin today! ♡♡♡
Adventure calls...
Went to a new park, beautiful day, just very windy!
25-35mph winds today!
Really rough on the face & skin, tangling my hair all up, didn't stay very long. :)
These things are cool, they do your makeup for you.
I know I look better with it, but I hate putting on makeup lol!
Season's Greetings!
Mmmm fresh picked oregano, morning vitamins.♡
Really wakes you up!
Herbs are a great bronchodilator (improves respiratory system) & vasodilator (improves circulatory system)...powerful fighters against diseases, & in curing them!
River Place Nature Trail Canyon Trailhead
Hike day with mom & Missy♡.
Austin, TX 
Progress relies on positivity!
Find a way, to get things accomplished, rather than use excuses not to!
Complaining is fruitless!
We all complain at times, it is acceptable, as long as you are working to solve the problem! :)
I took this photo several weeks ago, but here it is!
Love in the tummy...
First time here, neat visit!
Austin, TX 
Stopped by here just to check it out. :)
Austin, TX
Night out with mother. :)
Happy Holidays! ♡♡♡
Love this park!
Some blurred because I need to learn how to use my new phone camera so hopefully that will stop!
Saint Edwards Park
Austin, TX
Almost 1/2 a pound lighter today ;)-.
I didn't exercise yesterday, again, been a Lazy Daisy lately!
This morning I took the big dogs for a walk, so I did some jogging.
Will get moving today!
She gets so excited when she sees me, claws me up with her paws.
This looks great, thanks... :/
Have to teach her not to jump up on people.
She LOVES people, never barks at anyone.
Sweet girl, but too big for her britches!
Almost 1 pound lighter today. :)
Didn't do any exercise yesterday just ate bunch of salad & fruits.
 I am back on the weight loss track, started at 127.2 as of today.
I am 5'9" tall...btw.
Goals: shed inches & pounds, firm up!
Starting with eliminating another 10 pounds of unhealthy, excess body fat.
Excess body fat doesn't just sit in your body & do nothing, it is making harmful chemical/hormonal changes to your body, degrading the immune system.
Better to get rid of it!
It is also putting strain on the heart & internal organs.
Dinner salad♡♡♡
Kale, 1 whole avocado, tomatoes, lime juice, black pepper, & garlic powder.
Once you begin eating healthier foods,
you will start to crave them more...
I cannot promise junk food cravings will completely disappear, but the more you eat raw, the more you will love it.
I know.... pizza & donuts are delicious, unfortunately.
It is unfortunate...because they make me fat!! >:(
And I want to be lean...that is more important to me.
You just cannot eat that stuff all day, every day.
The greater percentage of your diet has to be healthy.
Once you get a delicious raw meal in front of you & eat will feel great, & so proud of yourself.
Raw food is so much more than just a stick of celery & an
Lots of fatty, sugary, scrumptious things to eat in the raw food world!
Check out my food pages!
I am so grateful for my life.
I was not born into a "rich" family, but still I grew up very comfortably, compared to many, & I do have a great family.
I am not physically 100% perfect, but I cannot complain..
I could list many things I do not have...
But what I do have, I am incredibly thankful for.
Sometimes I even feel guilty, because of the wonderful blessings I was given, while so many others were dealt such an unbelievably hard hand in life. :(
It brings me to tears, seeing what some are going through, or have to live with.
I even become frightened at times,
life has been so kind, is horrible tragedy, (other than losing my father) awaiting me on the horizon?
Why am I so lucky, while many are suffering SO greatly??????
All I can do is give back as much as I can, & never forget how fortunate I am.
Serious message, silly photo. ;)-
Old photo...I miss being in a dance troupe!
So many crazy, fun, California many laughs.
 Los Angeles, Santa Monica, & other cities...we also performed in Las Vegas.
In my mid/late-twenties, wish I could find the original where my girls were not cropped out :(.
I think I was taking ballet classes every week at this time, why I am in such great shape in this photo, even though this was several years before I went vegan.
Ballet is hard core exercise.
Everyone smiling but me, jeez, lighten up Tara!
More ye olde dance photos, click here!
Chiltepin peppers are ripening... ♡♡♡
These are soooo good, especially fresh picked.
Stay warm with these hotties!
Put them in thick lettuce wraps & guacamole. :)
Nice, tranquil walk through the hills during sunset♡♡♡.
Austin, TX
Do not know what these are yet, some type of Cortinarius...?
They are SO cute, & look sooo yummy!
I nibbled a little, (Update: I never got sick) they do not look like anything poisonous I have read about.
If they were solid dark, reddish brown all over (cap, gills, & stem) that may not be good.
These stems are more white-ish.
Update soon!♡♡♡
Austin, TX
Big beauties in the woods!
Super excited, I found my first jack-o-lantern mushrooms today!
Hard to miss these bright, colorful ladies!
These are rumored to be poisonous by some, or possibly edible -just not recommended- by others, but not deadly.
Hmmmm...I took a few nibbles...DELICIOUS RAW, now just waiting for my stomach to explode. :)
It's been a few days now, I did not become sick at all, I ate about 3 bites of a cap.
I am willing to bet that eating some mushrooms combined with bacteria laden animal products like butter, meats/eggs, cheese, etc. possibly/probably contributes to negative symptoms after eating....
Similar appearance to a chanterelle, but chanterelles have that beautiful, unique, free-flowing/organic shape, & chanterelles have "false gills".
There is also the "false chanterelle" mushroom, but I do not think these are false chanterelles, they look more like jack-o-lanterns.
Some say these are bioluminescent, wow!
However others say that is just a rumor...?
Reportedly the gills on a fresh, young jack-o-lantern mushroom will glow in the dark.
Of course I have to try & see this, but I need to go back & pick some younger specimens.
I will certainly post if I find this rumor to be true!
This cluster was too pretty, & big & impressive, to disturb, I left them alone.
There were LOTS of others growing.♡
HOLY SH÷*!!!!!!....IT IS TRUE!
One of the larger ones I picked is glowing really well!
I didn't see any glow in any other ones.
Lay them on a dark surface gill side up, cap facing down, turn of all lights/completely darken room, wait a few seconds or a minute or two, for your eyes to adjust, & the neon green glow will slowly begin to appear, it is SUPER neato!
I have to figure out how to photograph & record the glow!
To frustrated skeptics who have tried & do not see it, keep picking & looking!
Find a large sized mushroom, with long, highly visible gills, the light is in the gills, so small mushrooms with inconspicuous gills will be more difficult to see any glow.
It is a soft glow, not a bright lazer show, really look hard, the darker the room the better, glow is more visible in absolute pitch blackness, at night time!
:) :) :)
Austin, TX
No, but wow....imagine someone else looking & sounding just like you! 
My father & his brother are/were identical twins.♡
When I remove my glasses the camera becomes fuzzy & I cannot see what I am doing!
I need to get contacts I suppose...
How many different raw foods have you consumed today?
Take that medicine!
Mmmm, avocado & whole/raw garlic clove, mango, & watermelon.♡♡♡
Brushed hair, & a bit of makeup....
(And yet I still look
I guess...attempting to appear civilized!
I am slowly (too quickly actually) turning from brunette to greynette!
Oh well, I am going to werrrk it, not dying my hair!
What a pain, & not fooling
Any woman over age 35-ish without any grey hair....
I am onto you girrrl ;)-
Natural hair color I like much better.
I had my hair dyed a few times when I was younger & it looked so awful & fake every time. LOL
It's my silver, diamond hair...of eternal wisdom...& nobel....enlightenment...Oooommmmmm.
Found a great trail today.♡
 Link Falls, Austin
Morning 3, I am crying.
I found him this morning with his arms wedged in between the cage bars, lying motionless.
I began talking to him, because he was in an upright position, & I thought he was alive, then I noticed he wasn't moving at all, & realized he was dead, & then my heart exploded.
I do not know what happened!!!!!!
I didn't stay with him all night again last night, like I should have, I slept inside. :(
I left him alone overnight on the first night, when he was in much worse condition, & he survived.
I thought he would be okay by himself overnight again, he had improved a lot in 2 days.
See how his 1 good eye is clean & clear, it was all surrounded with mucus on the 1st day, he also gained a lot of energy back, whenever he was not sleeping.
But, on the 1st night he wasn't climbing around,
he wasn't trying to move at all except when eating,  because he was suffering so badly.
Maybe he was trying to climb, & became stuck?
He had started climbing the cage walls a little bit last night, before I left him to go back inside for bed.
I was happy to see he had some strength in him.
Maybe I should have just let him go at that point, :( despite him still being sick, & wounds not healed.
I was planning to release him into the woods after he had healed up.
I do not know what happened, I just wish I hadn't left him alone, should have been watching him all night, making sure he wasn't struggling with anything.
Mother F#@(%! God D@&&$!
So furious at myself.
After he fought through so much pain & suffering, I find him like that, so stupid!!!!!!
I just cannot believe it.
Now I would never leave a sick animal unattended in a cage with bars, tempting them to climb around & putting them at risk of an accident, always put in a box with solid walls, whenever they cannot be monitored.
Just like that, gone, I am so heartbroken.
What's freaking me out is his 1 good eye is not deteriorating.
He has been dead for hours but his eye still looks alive, I wish so badly that he was!!!
The sweetest little rat, never tried to bite me, & he loved being petted.
God D@##!%
Just curled 30 pounds! ♡♡♡
I tried a different way, 1 arm at a time.
I just now realized... that would be easier LOL.
Still working on curling both arms at same time with 30 pound weights.
Yaye! Stronngggerrr
Partaking in some yummy yummies!
I become SUPER irritable when I go without eating whole fruits.
Like Jekyll and Hyde!
My body is normally covered with insect bites, & tree branch scratches, excuse
I am a rugged gyal!
I also have a lot of cheetah spots.
(Moles & freckles lol)
I had a very busy day today, as you can see....
Novemberrrr...what-whaaat ♡
Actually digging those cute freckles, wish they were natural!
Grieving never resurrects the dead.
Just hurry up & get over it...?
I smiled... :)
Feel really bad, that I am not in a good mood, today is boyfriend's birthday.
Halloween baby, isn't that funny.
The birdie died, I had to watch it pass, cannot help it, I'm sad.
I post the good & the bad side of myself, not a candy coated person.
Just a bird, who cares, don't be so stupid, some may say....
Hug all your pets & loved ones extra tight tonight.
Time together on this Earth, is so precious.
I'm so sad. :( :(
Poor little buddy I found with an injured wing, unable to fly, took a sudden turn for the worst this morning, & his body decided to go.
He was eating & walking around last night, I thought he would get better.
Life sucks, & I know this will not be the last time I have to cope with death, much more to come.
Yaye, I can't wait.
The torture is endless. :(
He died right in front of me, oddly right as I received a phone call.
My phone rang, I shut it off, then when I looked at him again, he had stopped breathing.
It's like death had called...
I hate death, I wish death would die.
I want him to wake up & eat some more banana, he loved banana. :(
Hope he is in a better place, who knows.
Sometimes I wish I was there, I get so tired of living sometimes, so much mental anguish to endure.
Don't freak out, I would never commit suicide, just venting.
I hope I live a very long life actually, as difficult & painful as it is.
Maybe he is flying around in birdie heaven with Honey & Bubby...♡♡♡
Suuuuper yummy, tender, juicy dandelion leaves, fresh picked with lunch, having too much fun!
I love camping! Fresh air & pretty, joyful nature all day.
Austin, TX
I almost plowed my face right into this....pardon me!
Not poisonous...just purty...female♡♡♡
Amazing, beautiful web, at least 5' wide, & I ended up accidentally walking into it again & destroyed half of it :( :(.
So sorry!!!!
Waiting to see if she will rebuild it, the females are the larger & spikey ones, that process would be FUN to watch!!! Art in action!
Surely webs are destroyed frequently, & spiders expect it, & can weave fast?
Deer & other cuties running through the forest...
Austin, TX
BEAUTIFUL mushroom world!
I must get my therapeutic, & yummy, forage fix, daily!!!
Not nibbling on the light yellow one, until I study it more.
I have eaten small amounts of the other 2,
several days ago, without any issues!
Austin, TX 
I put on mascara for some pretend eyelashes, & it got all over my eyelids LOL.
Stopping by Home Depot to pick up lettuce seeeeds!
Bummed the full moon was hidden behind all the rain clouds last night :( but should be visible tonight!
I was not blessed with long/thick eyelashes.
Boooo-hoooo... :(
Fortunately, that is pretty easy, & simple, to FAKE!
Looks much better, doesn't it...LOL
Yo ♡♡♡
(Momma) lol
Ahhhh, detoxing, de-stressing, steamy bath...☆
Grateful for this. ♡
She doesn't understand why I have this book in front of me obviously.
Just tip toes up & makes herself comfy....UM. OKAY...???!!!
And the forces of cute cat privilege prevent me from moving her, no more reading -book is busy, being a cat bed, spore print setup time I guess!!
Yippeee...yep, what
Poor kitty came inside from the rain all wet LOL
She liked being dried off & wrapped up in a bundle.
Awwwwesuuuuuum ♡♡♡♡
I found a fresh chanterelle spot!
Delicious raw, actually a little spicy/hot!
With slight citrus flavor!
Not nearly as hot as the peppery milkcap, those things are super fire, cannot even eat a whole one at once they are so hot...I'm going to dry some out, ground them up, & make a hot spice. ;)
Wowwww♡♡♡Beautiful shroomy here...♡♡♡
I decided I need to make some bikini mushroom picking videos, so I can earn money doing this...LOL!
On my own time, & schedule...
I no like have to rush for peeepal ;)- 
Random accent.♡
I could crawl around in the woods exploring mushrooms all day, surrriously.
But I have pesky bills to pay & boring adulting to do.
Sneaky photographer strikes
From the other day, observing the rain.
Will it ever stop raining?!
Cold, grey sky, & wet, in Tejas, every day lately, dying for some warmth & sunshine!
I approve this photo. ;)- ♡
I looove fresh picked, air dried mushrooms, taste like little mushroom crackers, a salty-like taste, great substitute for fried chips & processed/cooked crackers!
The funny white mushroom (dehydrated now) is
Found all these yesterday & more, I already ate most. :)
Dollar Tree treat $1♡$1♡$1, not too terrible, thick slices of ♡real banana♡, covered in chocolate -with all plant derived ingredients/vegan.
In the ice cream section.
Muuuuuch less fattening than cookies!
Super inexpensive, nice bag full, for only $1.
Impressed the Dollar Tree actually carries something like this, with whole fruit, & no animal ingredients....!
So happy both the big dogs LOVE these, totally gobbling them up.
Harley is very picky about fruit, so that is awesome she is eating bananas.
However these unfortunately have processed sugars & processed bean fats added, too much processed stuff, should not eat all day, every day.
I can easily do homemade version with bananas & pure cacao.
I will email this company & beg them to drop the processed sugar, & use more whole ingredients.
Paper box is great, plastic bag, but at least it is soft plastic. Hard plastic doesn't condense as easily, & takes up more space.
Maybe they can even drop the plastic bag!
Is it really necessary?
They melt & get gooey if left outside freezer too long, fresh & crisp while still frozen, dogs will still eat them however lol.
I hope the dogs will eat my homemade version! ♡
Awww, super sweet boyfriend, ordered me some awesome mushroom books, what a neat surprise!
Too spoiled, I am....
My newest obsession, I only have a gazzillion mushroom website tabs open on my phone & tablet...
I am fine with getting lost in a forest now.
Mom is not so fine, she is certain I will perish from mushroom poisoning one day, losing her mind, no faith! :)
Austin, TX
Suuuper fun mushroom forage, saturday night fever y'all!♡♡♡
Have not tried "old man of the woods" yet.
SO excited to find these dudes for the very first time!
Austin, TX
"Hello human, as you see, this is my chair gone."
She saw me sitting in it, & had to muscle in.
Let's see her steal 2 chairs...
Back in Austin for now, didn't go to Florida as planned because of hurricane Michael. :(
Found a huge plum tree on the trail, fresh, ripe plums all over the ground!
Some kind of mini plum.
I could not believe how SWEET the dark red ones are, like taffy candy only healthy & so much better!
Sam Houston Park
Houston, TX 
Trippy house!
"Open House"
Sam Houston Park
Houston, TX
Walking this entire path today, whew!! HOT
Buffalo Bayou Park
Houston, TX
Been sooo long since I have eaten platanos!
Taste like a thick, meaty banana, sooo good raw!
Great with breakfast & anytime of day!
Houston, TX
Mmmm candy!!!
Houston, TX
Rollin' round, like a stone! ;)- ♡♡♡
Houston, TX
Houston were my heart is♡♡♡.
My birth town!
Made it here, 2.5 hour drive today...:).
Houston, TX
Squeezed into mother's tiny leotard. ;)-
Bla-DANG, ;)-
Found these beauties in the woods, hope they are all edible!
Mushroom foraging is sooo fun!
FRESHHH...♡organic♡...☆freeee☆ mushrooms...☆☆☆☆☆
The pink, spongy ones are a type of "bolete" mushroom, boletus roodyi, edible!
Ready to run, cuz it makes me feel awesome!
Just 10 easy, sweaty minutes, not trying to push it into hypersonic speed today.
Beautiful day.♡♡♡
Momma Kiiiitttyyyyy♡♡♡♡♡
Lost her collar, had to put another one on her, so she doesn't get trapped by anyone!
This kitty is loved & wanted!♡♡♡
I love running & sweating, relieves SO much stress & helps burn off body fat!
I ran 1 mile in 12.5 minutes today on treadmill, tomorrow will do 1 mile in 10! ♡
Morning cat stretch, this feels really good!
I am sore all over!
Austin, TX 
More bikini photos?
Never hurts!♡♡♡
Borrowing (barely squeezing into) mom's sassy, little red sweater that I feel weird in lol.
Happy Sundayyy... ♡
I had some off days with weight loss, oh well!
I made a coconut, guava, strawberry, banana smoothie for breakfast today.
Making salad for lunch, & planning on eating salad for dinner also!
This picture was the best out of 3♡.
What am I eating?
Fresh picked oregano ♡♡♡.
Running boost...
Open carry advocate....
Of yummy bananas!
I weighed 128 this morning :/.
My brother bought corn tortilla chips, &, I ate a few, when I was hungry...grrrr.
Plain, raw corn is healthy...not super salty & fried. :/
Also, oddly, just wasn't craving greens yesterday, ate banana/strawberry fruit & oats for dinner.
& no, super, heart pounding exercise yesterday, just light yoga, & couple minutes on brother's stationary bike before bed.
Only 1 pound gained, no biggie!
Never give up, keep going!
Progress report!
My coconut water & I.♡
A little bit lighter today, cool!
I did not eat any coconut yesterday, again!
Really need that fat-burning coconut.
&, I only ate a little amount of lettuce yesterday, just 1 leaf of red chard before bed.
Lots of coconut & raw greens today!
This 100% cotton dress is so cotton♡picken' comfy!!
Look at this enormous mangoooooyumyumyumyum.
Now THIS is sweat!
Looks like I jumped in the pool lol!
Nice, refreshing, energizing run.
Been way too long, getting into this again. ;)
This is how hot it is in TX...look how much I'm sweating...
;)- I kid, just climbed out of the coool poool.
Underwater camera battery is dead, dernit!!
Darn camera, doesn't know how to plug itself in,  what kind of useless camera is that?!
Shoveling down some strawberry oats before swimming.
Going swimming! ♡
Hit a weight plateau, no lighter than yesterday.
Only did a very quick, light ab & glut workout yesterday, before bed.
I didn't eat any coconut yesterday, & had only a small amount of lettuce yesterday, for dinner.
That's okay!
Going hard today, no reason to stop!
Disrespecting your body, is an insult to nature (Or "God").
Love yourself, take care of your body.
Alcohol & tobacco products, meat-eggs-dairy, & processed junk foods, pharmaceuticals, DESTROY the body, organs/skin....everything.
Unwinding with 1 beer, 1 glass of wine, a couple times a month, or a few times a year, will likely not give you heart, lung, or liver disease, but try to avoid consuming these things on a regular basis, especially if you want to age well!
I honestly, love the taste of beer, lol, just being truthful(cigarettes on the other hand, are atrocious, & need to go), & life gets VERY stressful, & sometimes an ice cold beer, really hits the spot....however, I know alcohol is not really healthy, it will wrinkle my skin, damage my liver, my arteries, my heart, & much more.
Extreme moderation should definitely be used!
The problem is, so many people abuse alcohol & tobacco products, they consume WAY too much, sometimes all day, every day.
This will make your skin look like tree bark, as will meats-very dehydrating & damaging, & completely deteriorate your body!
My belly pooch is almost gone, woohoo!!
Feels great!
Only a teeny bit lighter today :/.
I failed to eat any salad yesterday, again, 2 days in a row without whole greens, no bueno.
And no exercise yesterday, except taking Missy for a walk around the park.
Slow walking is better than nothing, but it really is not intense enough to cause significant weight loss.
Unless you walk for an extremely long time, and/or, up an incline. 
The heart rate needs to be elevated, greatly, enough to make you start breathing heavily.
An elevated heart rate requires a lot of energy(calories) from the body, as fuel.
When you burn this fuel, you lose weight!
I still feel woozy & weak today, but the stomach & back pain has pretty much passed, yayeee.
Just keep at it!
After you de-bloat, lose your water retention, caused by eating foods that are smothered in processed salts, the inches will begin to melt away.
I laid down to go to sleep (hoping to feel all better by tomorrow, uhg!!) but then I got hungry lol.
Got up & made a deliiiiiiicious fruit salad:
Banana, strawberry, with my homemade coconut/hazelnut crumble I made this morning, topped with fresh lemon juice, SO yummy.
I did not feel like filming, & uploading, which takes a long time for a high def video, just snapped a photo.
Got my legs in the shot, to make the photo more exciting LOL, let's be honest, people love seeing skin, don't lie.... ;)-
Our bodies are a beautiful creation of nature.
The Lord Almighty created our bodies, right?? Every.....part ;) shame.
No need to pretend like you are a nun or a priest.
Although the word "priest" is somewhat losing it's credibility lately isn't it...yikes!
Silly how many religions act like our bodies were created by Satan, & being nude, or engaging in intimacy, is just pure
Such not fall for it!
You know it's late, when you go from fruit salad, to Satan, in one
Only about 1 pound lighter today. :(
Probably because I didn't eat any salad yesterday, & I didn't do any exercise at all yesterday, except roll around on the floor, in agony lol.
So, screw it, I'm going to eat a whole pizza, & a dozen donuts today, & just live life overweight, who cares.
I feel super weak & light headed, my back & stomach hurt, but I'm going to go grocery shopping, for kale & more coconut!
Or, maybe send my brother to the store for me LOL.
That is what brothers are for! ;)-
He is the sweetest, I am getting him to lose weight also!
Earlier this year he weighed 250 lbs, he is down to 231 now!
We both struggle with our weight, & overeating.
My brother is vegan too!
After I decided to go vegan, I made him sit down & watch animal slaughter videos.
He didn't want to be any part of that nonsense.
I asked him "This is horrible right?"
He said "yea".
My brother is a sweetheart ♡♡♡.
Even before he went vegan, he never had an interest in fishing, or hunting, or any such activity that involves bullying & hurting animals, he just loves to play video games, fair enough!
Oooooouuucchhhh :( :( :(
I am SO, ready....for menopause.
Please, hurry up already, I am so sick of this.
Pretty sure I do not want to bring any children into this embarrassing, shameful, violent, unhealthy, ignorant, materialistic, careless society, overpowered by greedy, lying, money hoarding, gold leaf toilet paper tyrants, which are worshipped & supported by brainwashed masses of impoverished people, so bring it on, ASAP!!!!!
That is honestly the way I feel, I cannot help it.
There are plenty of unfortunate, orphan babies in the world.
I could always adopt.
Children are a sweet joy, don't get me wrong.
But, they only stay little & adorable for like 5 minutes, then boom, they are adults LOL.
Is there a pill to keep babies little?
May just be the PMS talking LOL.
Honestly, even though my children would be absolutely beautiful, SUPER healthy/lean (raw vegan since conception), calm, well mannered("please"/"thank you"), kind, love all animals, talented, brilliant, & perfect, ;)-...
I really enjoy just living my life, & not having to worry about any children.
Life is stressful enough. :/
So no, I will not carry your baby, con someone else into it LOL ;)-.
That one was bad, sorry...just jokes.....!!!
My children would also be raised on, healthy, human milk.
Not cow, goat, or rhinoceros milk....weird!
Plus, the sad reality is:
Humans = pollution.
This was never nature's intention for us, but this is the road we have chosen.
The Industrial Revolution catapulted us onto a devastating, toxic path, that we are not willing to stray from now, because we are too comfortable with our modern conveniences.
We are destroying the Earth, & even polluting the space around the Earth!
Eliminating habitats, & killing animals.
Unless you are living in a cave, never buy anything, wearing leaves as clothes, & foraging/growing all your own food.
Is anyone doing that, or planning on it?
Killed another 2 pounds!
I feel no remorse.
In the proper 120's now again.
I had gained some weight in recent months, yucky. :(
Not finished....!
Fully dressed, for a change!
Lol. ;)-
Obviously.. my life does not revolve around expensive foo-foo clothes, matching $2,000 handbags, & seeing how many shoes I can pack into a village-size closet.
 & so unnecessary lol!
But, I have to buy some clothing to wear, so I am not arrested.
Off to the grocery store...oooo-la-la!
They are still tight (major...wedgie LOL).
But I can, at least, button them now!
Couldn't do that before!
Hee hee :)
One of the best feelings in the world!!!
Don't want to stretch them out of shape though, a few more pounds to go, before I'll wear them. 
Ha haaa :)
Get'it girl....get'it girl
My weight has decreased nearly 5 pounds,
in 2 days.
How ya like 'dem salads....
I recall a weight loss commercial I saw, many years ago, for some kind of diet pill or diet drink, do not remember exactly, saying
"Lose 5 pounds in 5 days!"
Shhiiiiiii, I'll double that, for free:
SALADS, fruits, veggies, COCONUT, exercise,
no meat, no eggs, no dairy, no fattening food or drinks (or, just a few bites/sips, at the most).
Get started today! XOXOXO
Shed 15 pounds in just 1 week, eating as much (healthy) food as you want!
Uhg, it never stops lol.
I get a letter in the mail:
"You are not PCI complaint!!!"
"Do this now, or you will be charged $50/month!"
I am exaggerating lol.
Not about the $50 charge, that was true.
Hu? What?
I don't do PCP!
I need to fire my personal assistant, for not staying on top of this!
Oh yea...that's me.
Forgot, I handle my own business.
Well, I am fired, pack up my office.
Already...over 2 pounds lighter than yesterday!
Yesterday I weighed in at 134.8!
I step on the scale every...morning, completely nude (no extra weight lol), in the morning, after I use the restroom, & before I eat breakfast.
The only exercise I did yesterday was a quick ab workout right before bed.
Eating raw food all day did the trick!
When I visit momma, I get to sleep on the same sheets I slept on when I was a wittle gyal, so nice & comforting.
My entire room was pink, & I had a giant strawberry toy box lol.
I was a very fortunate little girl, very grateful.
Strawberry Shortcake & Friends....♡♡♡♡
They have known me since I was little.
They understand me... ;)-
I have been sleeping on the floor of course!
My lower back was very stiff & aching, from the recent drive to Colorado, behind the wheel for hours, all better now!
Love my new 100% cotton short-shorts!
One problem....they do...not fit lol.
I bought them anyway, a few more pounds to shed.
I am around 134 lbs right now. (I am 5'9" tall)
The tag just says "Medium", this brand runs very small.
TO CLARIFY....I do not eat 100% raw every day.
I still struggle with temptation & overeating on fattening foods, especially when I feel depressed, & do not
Staying raw is also a challenge when I get really hungry, & there is nothing but cooked food around me.
Some raw vegans claim they have not consumed 1 single spoonful of cooked food, in years & years.
To be brutally honest, I simply do not believe it.
I think the only way anyone could, truly, pull that off, is to exile themselves to a deserted tropical island, void of stores & restaurants lol.
Cooked food is everywhere, it is much more abundant, & available.
I believe all raw vegans eat a bite or two of cooked food every now & then, over the years.
Are they still raw vegans?
If you eat some of gramma's mashed potatoes, you are kicked out of the, elite, raw vegan club!
Of course they are still raw vegans.
I think anyone who:
truly believes that uncooked plant foods
provide the greatest health benefits,
promotes raw veganism to others,
& eats a lot of raw food,
is a genuine raw vegan. :)
Many people do-not-believe that raw is better!
I had an omni chef tell me once:
"A raw vegan diet will kill you faster than anything".
I see many people greatly stressing themselves out, worrying about eating 100% raw.
Do not stress about this!
ABSOLUTELY, aim to eat 100% RAW every-day.
Just remember, wandering off the raw path, after a while, is normal, & I believe it happens to all raw vegans.
So do not get down on yourself, but continue to progress in the raw(right) direction!
Exercise/running, lots of juicy fruits-raw greens-coconut meat,
will get me into these little shorts!
Exercise is not required to lose weight, raw food will burn away excess body fat on it's own.
Exercise just gets you to your goal much faster, & also firms & tones the muscles.
Austin,  TX
Walking Missy, & collecting juniper berries to eat & play with!
Don't give up on me now, my tushy friend, 39 approaching 40, means nothing to us!!!
Fight! Conquer! Defeat!
A frequent, heart-to-heart, pep talk, to your tush, eventually becomes necessary...
(R.I.P. NYC 💔🖤💝)
Yumzy, for late night hungries, organic strawberry snack, grateful for these delicious, nutritious, edible gems.
(R.I.P. NYC 💔🖤💝)
Missy bratty, making herself comfy, on my dirty laundry.
Laundry day...partyyyy!~~~
Don't let her innocent look fool you!
Poodle demon...
Early exercise done, more later!
Working out here & there, all day long.
Austin, TX
Austin, TX
Rainy Sunday.
Hiking is great for the back of the thighs!
Making a goal to do more squats every week,
for the gluts.
Firm muscles, make me happy...
Feels nice being back in Austin with family,
after being alone in the mountains for a few weeks!
The beautiful Spanish Peaks,
view from La Veta.
I LOVE this cute little town, gorgeous views, deer everywhere, & I saw a llama farm!
Only $1.50 fee to shower at the
SO nice of them!
Alamosa, Colorado 
Out here in Alamosa!
Getting too cold up north, I had to "get"...
10 lapsies yesterday, that after-lap feeling...
Aaahhhhh, wonderful!
Some laps I swim wall-to-wall using only my arms, & some I swim using only my legs.
Great training for when I find myself having to swim with encumbered legs, or arms.
You never know what is coming next, around the mysterious corner of life!
Filming the lap pool may be restricted , I will find out, for future swimming videos.
I loooooooovvvvveee being in water, will be driving to an ocean soon, maybe California (have not been there in almost 10 years, & I want to hike Mount Whitney)...or maybe Florida again...(or perhaps a foreign beach, who knows!!!) after I explore more of fantastic, beautiful Colorado.
Ahhh, back in a bikini, so comfy.
Missing the warm tropics now!
Leadville, Colorado 
Made it!
A solo hike up & down, but I met many nice people along the way. :)
What an amazing feeling, finally reaching the summit of the tallest mountain in Colorado, 2nd tallest peak in all the -contiguous- United States, just under Mount Whitney in California.
(Alaska houses all the tallest US mountains,
Standing on the tippy top of Mount Elbert, Mount Massive (2nd highest peak in Colorado) behind me.
My legs & feet are no more!
Approx.14,440 feet...into the sky.
I found a pretty, curvy, sassy aspen this beautiful morning on Elbert!
Continental Divide Trail,  Colorado 
On my way up!
Sunny morning*****
I slept in my truck last night!
It was warmer, I slept well, but weird, scary dreams!
Mineral Belt Trail, beautiful!
Leadville, Colorado 
 I have not done laps in a long time, & slightly different at 10,150' elevation.
Great exercise...XO
(Austin,  TX is 489' elevation, for reference!)
Getting so much more fresh air into my body, sleeping outside all night, feels great!
Despite my extreme exhaustion lol.
I love being nurtured by nature.
tara raw vegan goddess
Blue sky this morning. Beautiful pines & cute critters!
Turquoise Lake, Colorado 
tara raw vegan goddess
Helleewwww lol. Totally comfy & happy, out here in the cold, fun torture!
Tent camping in 50° weather, cold but content.
Turquoise Lake, Colorado 
I have not spent more than 1 night in the same place since I left Trinidad....I am soooo tired.
Looking for the right place to settle, & calm down!
Sleeping in my tent tonight, right next to Turquoise Lake, sooo serene out here, accept for the rude campers blasting their radio, & yelling, disturbing to the animals & other campers.
Please be a quiet, courteous camper, don't be a Loud Lenny or Noisy Nancy!
Turquoise Lake, Colorado 
The floor seriously feels so good!
Helps with upper & lower back pain, relieves tension in the spine.
Cure neck & shoulder pain, go pillow-less, just a thin padding for the cheekbones.
It really works!
Laying flat on a hard surface is absolute heaven for the spine.
Fun, exciting, scary, & delicious hike today!
Berries everywhere, I saw a bear cub!
And a beautiful deer with big, pretty antlers.
Little Cloud Trail
Aspen, Colorado
Aaahhhh, finally, found a motel with a nice, new, clean bathtub, score.
Only showers since I left Texas.
Baths help keep me sane!
I like to take at least 2 baths a day, 1 in morning, & 1 before bed.
So sleepy, all the driving.
Happy to be here!
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Amazing rainbow, passing through New Mexico's glowing red/orange aura.
Spiritual land, love New Mexico.
Clayton, New Mexico
Tummy & tush workout dunn, feeling good. I need to get to tanning again, going to be hiking into the middle of the mountains and laying out nudie!
En route to Colorado. Florida is hot too, I really want to get to a cooler place right now.
I know everyone wants more body pix, but sometimes I feel like a gruesome troll, and do not want to be in front of a camera.
Today I feel like a pretty troll.
With tight tush & tummy after this workout.
Just had a lovely "Spanglish" conversation with the housekeeper.
Tenga una hermana en Colorado.
Abeline, TX
I cannot wait to get to cooool Colorado, yeeeehawwww!
So tired of this sticky heat.
Llano, TX
tara raw vegan goddess
Austin Clubhouse, 8 year anniversary with my little brother Travis, great group of people!
tara raw vegan goddess
Hooooottt+++!!! Outside.
It is cooking us.
I let Rocky in the front yard without a leash, he ran off after a neighborhood cat (I hope he didn't hurt the cat), & the cat scratched his forehead.
I guess letting him out without a leash was not good overall.
tara raw vegan goddess
My first larger rock stacks, I need a crane!
Sculpture Falls
Austin, TX
This girl...
We went for a walk this morning, she was running on all four legs, looks like her paw is healing up. XO
I scavenged through the woods and collected these bones for the big dogs to chew on.
It is good for dogs to have something to chew on and keep themselves occupied, so they do not become bored and get into trouble.
Plastic, synthetic fabric, & chemically dyed fabric toys are not healthy for babies, or pets to chew on.
Neither are processed food products.
Humanely harvested, free, & all natural animal bones are a healthier alternative.
Some dogs like to chew on bones, and some do not.
My mother's poodle does not care for them, but Rocky loves them.
He would grab them and eat them anyway, if he was with me, so, what the hay... I believe it is okay.
They also eat fish bones off the shore, when we go to the lake or beach.
These bones have been in the woods, out in fresh air, & cleaned under the sun.
tara raw vegan goddess
Crazy cat lady, & crazy bug lady...
Cicadas are sooo cute!
Their legs pinch a little bit, but they are not biting.
This one has been sitting on my leg forever, & another beautiful green bug came to visit.
Mosquitos are biting me, they are not fun.
Harley after her killer workout the night of the recent lunar eclipse, running up & down the street on 3 legs (she has a sore foot pad injury on her back, right leg, but it is better today, mending up).
Moon power!
tara pagan
Still alive. Check-in, so hot & suffocating outside. AC too tempting! Thinking of spending the remainder of 2018 hot months in cooler Colorado.
Explore new areas!
Love my new $1.00 elephant notebook, so cute, all mine, you can't have it.
Unless you one..also..
Looking at this notebook transports me to Africa. I can hear the djembe drums when I open it every time I need to write down some boring, annoying information, like how to upload large video files with FTP, I pause and reassure myself... at least I'm in beautiful Africa with the sweet elephants... All thanks to this wonderful notebook.
Hunt elephants...burn in hell...
(God's rules, not mine)
tara raw vegan goddess tara pagan
I don't know...
I was fixing a plate of cabbage for mom's poodle, and it just felt like the right thing to do...
A beautiful tan is hard work!
You got to maintain... Have to sit under the sun and sweat, but that is very good for the metabolism, so it is a win/win... Lots of winning going on here :).
Yet another thing I have always been taught, & recently discovered is completely false, the myth that the sun will destroy the skin.
Sunlight is actually wonderful for the skin.
I have noticed my skin always feels more tight and smooth after a good day of tanning!
Here is a list of things that actually do cause the skin to wrinkle and sag:
Mental stress
Sleep deprivation
Refined salts
Refined sugar/sweeteners
Most store bought skin products
Processed foods/edible products
Cooked food
Lack of raw antioxidants
Lack of raw, plant fats, and proteins
Working in an environment where there is a lot of cigarette smoke
Lack of exercise
Chemical laden or harsh treatments
Continuous bloating & excess weight
Lack of direct sunshine
Lack of fresh, outdoor air
Cold temperatures
Sleeping face down
Raw plant food, particularly a high-fat & high-protein diet, sunshine, exercise, avoiding cigarettes & alcohol, & avoiding unnatural products are all top ways to preserve the skin!
That went off on a tangent, I will create a whole page on this topic.
More muscle now than ever!
Although I did not sleep well last night.. obviously.. not enough beauty sleep, look like the beast!
Meow, chirp, quack, ROARRR, buzz, hiss, neehh, ribbit, squeel, baahaha, moo...all the sounds.
In my mind I am...."Eating Chocolate"
Chocolaaattteee, mmmmm.
I like to support the whole fruit stands at convenience stores.
Many nights I have traveled through remote towns, where a gas station was the only store open!
This store has nice mangos!
Missing the birds terribly. Their sweet little sounds, having them around, watching them, & taking care of them.
A bag of bird seed still sits in the closet. Still finding loose feathers around when I clean, their empty cages...all stabs me in the heart when I see it. Life without them is becoming normal, I hate it.
I do not see how I can ever forgive myself for allowing Harley to be around their cage for too long, without checking up on them. Forgiveness I do not deserve.
"Out of sight, out of mind"...I am forgetting about them more & more, which makes me feel bad.
Throughout the day, every time I remember them, I close my eyes and think to myself "Oh my God, my babies."
Have you eaten any raw, whole, uncooked & unprocessed foods today?
Look young, fight cancers, keep blood, organs, & heart healthy, stay lean, feel proud & happy.. 💙
I am enjoying these beautiful, organic plum, green pear, and banana.
Palo Duro again!
HOT, with very mean lady horse flies, I had to wear leggings they were biting so bad. Known to obtain blood protein, to produce eggs, only the females bite..;)- Yes, we are a bunch of witches...
Walking through this wonderous place was awesome, would love to go back & see more.
Ute Trail...the dandilions love it here, they are huge!
Aspen, CO July 4th, 2018
Twin Lakes, CO
Had to pose inside the cabin..
Gorgeous, chilly mountain morning.
So refreshing, very grateful.
Twin Lakes, CO
tara raw vegan goddess tara pagan
tara raw vegan goddess tara pagan
Bishop Castle, Colorado 7-3-2018
Intriguing place, test your limits..
Trinidad, CO 7-3-2018
Rollercoaster ride continues.. grateful, beautiful morning.
Jacuzzi, pool laps, then sauna :).
More driving today, onward to northwest Colorado..
It is great to be back in beautiful Colorado...Spanish Peaks behind me.
I still feel like literally clawing my own eyes out every time I stop & remember what happened to the birds, but there is nothing I can do about it...
Going to try to enjoy Colorado, but I feel guilty enjoying anything! 💔🖤
Trinidad, CO July 2, 2018
7-2-2018 Palo Duro Canyon State Park, Texas
Rockwood, TX rest stop.
Adios, Colorado ahora con Tomas...
She has a few things to add...
1 cat left, after her, no more.....fin.
Supposing, I live longer...
I have had this cat nearly 10 years.
I had Honey🐤 about 8 years, Bubby🐦 for about 2 years.
I feel like maybe I should have never adopted the birds,💔 but then they would have never met...they loved each other so much, I hope they are still together.🐤🐦
Sometimes I just have to lay down, literally nauseous/sick to my stomach, I miss my little feather babies.💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
It is really beginning to sink in... the terror & pain they went through.
Imagine, if a giant monster broke into your home, put you in it's mouth, & began chewing on you, until you died.
I am not angry with Harley, she's a dog, & dogs will be dogs.
The accident was not her fault it was my fault.
I know I should not replay the horror film in my head, over and over, only torturing myself, I can only imagine what happened, but I also feel guilty just forgetting about them and acting like everything is fine. 
I know birds and other animals are unfortunately attacked and killed, all day everyday in the wild, but that is not comforting.
I just cannot believe it.
When I was outside this morning I instinctively leaned over and picked some fresh seeds, that I gave to them everyday to eat, but right after I pick the seeds I remembered they are gone.
June 30th, 2018
Organic, Fresh, & Free
Bunches & bunches of organic, wild, seeded grapes, picked some while running with the dogs today, I am going back, with a basket...
Planned a road trip to Colorado a couple weeks ago, boyfriend has never been!
I have to go with a freshly broken heart now. "Happiness is a choice."
Even when your heart is bleeding & your soul is crying...
Lots of fresh grapes for the road, even though I do not deserve them.
I was completely broke & hungry when I made this YouTube video, a while ago..stranded with an empty gas tank, in some little town, not Texas...somewhere in Florida I believe.
I packed a bag with my video camera & bikini, and walked a few blocks, in super hot weather, until I found a nice nature area, to put a smile on my face & film, to generate some business, to get some cash, to buy gasoline, and get something to eat.
I was in that situation many, many times during my travels, it was normal.
Long story short, things are usually not what they seem...😳
Black-eyed peas & yellow bell pepper seeds I planted are sprouting, both organic 💚.
But I don't care.
Any brief distraction from my guilt-ridden grief, is followed by the terrible realization, once again, that my precious little babies🐥🐦suffered a terrifying & painful attack, due to my neglect, & are gone from my life forever.💔🖤.
June 29th 2018
Another aching hole in my heart.🖤
Both my little feather babies died yesterday.🐤🐦💔💔
I had them for many years, & it ends with Harley getting restless, & breaking their cage open.
Show no mercy on my idiot soul!
You can never be too cautious with life.
I am consumed with guilt, and horror. My boyfriend found both of them, they are now wrapped in tissue paper, resting, together, I cannot say goodbye yet.
I don't want to be awake, just go back to sleep, & never wake up🖤💔.
Day 1, without the sound of Bubby's chirping in the morning.
I hope they are happily flying high, together forever, in the clouds.🐤🐦
I cannot believe it, & feel guilty doing anything but grieving.
Don't ever want to adopt another animal again, it's just me in this madness from now on.
Boyfriend is quite the fashion designer, I actually dig it!  Austin, TX April 2018
Austin, TX April 2018
Anastasia State Park, Florida
Valentine's Day 2018
Avalon State Park, Florida
February 2018
January 14th, 2018
Grand Ridge, Florida
I made it back to the tropics!
Ahhhhhh, happy place...
Austin, TX * November 23rd, 2017
I am back in Texas! Just through the holidays, spend time with family, then I'm leaving for another exciting adventure in 2018!
In Lubbock, Texas! XO
November 13, 2017
Apple bath in Clovis, New Mexico XO
Clovis, New Mexico....?
Yes, Clovis, New Mexico. ;)-
November 12, 2017
I drove all the way out here to get some kicks, and such... XO
Santa Rosa~ November 12th, 2017
November 11, 2017
I am actually working...XO
(Grateful for smart phones)
River Park West~Santa Fe, New Mexico
November 10, 2017
Strawberries in the tub~~~
Love the Santa Fe vibe!
November 7, 2017
One day at work, many moons ago, (I was around 24 years old) I was eating a piece of chocolate cake on my break, a male employee walked by (elderly man) and told me "You need to watch what you eat! Keep your shape!". Nearly 15 years later... Hope that cake didn't hurt too much! ;)-
Braidzzz XXX
Nov. 5th, 2017
Persimmon XO
Nov. 5, 2017 Santa Fe, New Mexico
Howdy! The heart
Nov. 4, 2017 / Santa Fe, New Mexico
Hola~ En Santa Fe, New Mexico
November 3, 2017
38 (nearly 39) year old tummy 💜
November 2, 2017
When I am hungry...
Someone exhumed me...
October 29th, 2017
Me lately.... smile! XO
October 27th, 2017
I have been a hermit lately, so glad I got out for a walk today, a glorious time!
I love these plateaus...
Trinidad, Colorado~October 26th, 2017
The view from my motel window in Trinidad, CO! Gorgeous sunrises & sunsets!
October 23rd, 2017
Pen on paper.
Nice after a tiring 3 hour & 40 minute drive.
There is no bad mood a hot bath & fresh watermelon can't fix! 
Unwinding in Trinidad, CO. 
October 14, 2017
I was afraid I was going to die lol, strong, cold winds... steep, scary mountain! My 4th hike on Black Cloud Trail. I got lost off the trail, wasted time, and had to turn back before I reached the top. Have to go back in a few months during summer time! I'm so thankful to still be alive and typing this from a comfy warm bath tub!
Worse than I thought.. drying out & pulling my skin, grrrr, oh well could be worse, applying moisturizer lol.
Scratched my leg on Black Cloud, :(
3rd time hiking Black Cloud Trail.
I began around 12pm, too late again, I had to turn back before sunset. I hiked 2.5 hours in, then back, 5 hour total. 1 hour longer than 2nd time, so I learned a lot! I saw 1 other person the entire time.
Trying my best to lean back and take a cool photo, without sliding down this super steep edge of Mount Elbert!
My first pair of toe-sock thingies!
Weird, it's all....weird.
Enjoying Twin Lakes! Incredible out here.
2nd time on Black Cloud Trail. I got lost!
Going back again lol. I'm standing in front of Black Cloud Creek. ;)
October 7th, 2017
D'Love in Leadville, CO
October 5th, 2017
Beautiful view from Black Cloud Trail!
This is a very steep and brutal hike also!
I only hiked an hour and then turn back, because I got there too late in the day. 
I will go back another day and hike to the summit!
October 4th, 2017
Ahhhhhh first bath in a long time!! Yesss ;)-
My last night in Silverthorne, for now!
October 3rd, 2017
Returned from a lovely night stroll in the snow to la tienda. :) I am enjoying Silverthorne, Colorado :).
October 2nd, 2017
I am in Hawaii with my pet monkey!
October 1st, 2017
Bear Peak in Boulder, Colorado
  • Massive attack hike via Fern Canyon Trail! Whew!! The views from Bear Peak are lovely! Green Mountain behind me.
Jellystone Park in Colorado! 
Sept. 6th, 2017
Golden Community Center ~ Golden, Colorado
10 laps done :). My legs are getting stronger!
I can swim backwards using only my legs, not using my arms at all, without any fatigue now, I feel like I could go forever!
I feel sooo good! Swimming is so refreshing, one of my top favorite ways to exercise. :)
XOXO ~Tara